part 1

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" coming mother."

hi there, i am so happy you have decieded to grace us with your presence. who am i? well, i am glad you asked. i, my dear homosapiens, am Alysia Astrid Ambrose, daughtervof the richest man in the british empire ( even if its only by a few shillings, my father is petty like that) and i am also the daughter of the most badass sufferagette to ever live... come on guess... thats right you guessed it, Lilian Linton. now let me just warn you now, before you end up surprising yourself this family is the weirdest thing you will ever see. try to leave with your sanity.

" ALYSIA!!!"


" riley and blake are waiting for you."

" son of a bachelor!"

i run down the stairs and jump the last five, im surprised i didnt fall on my face concidering i am in a dress. did i mention that dresses SUCK. i just want to wear some trousers, but nooooo my father just has to be a chauvanist arse ( please dont tell him i said that he might freeze me with his glare. then i would never get to reek havoc with my friends) i walk down the hallway towards the door and see my lovely idiotic group of friends.

" finally you get down here, we have things to do."

" oh, yes, Riley because buying chocolate and going to the park is just oh so important."

" oh hush Alysia, lets go."

this is how i got dragged our of my house and into the streets of london. hmmm, what to do what to do? well i could go to the clothes store and buy myself a new tailcoat. oh, i havent told you yet, how rude of me. ive been learning how to do my fathers job because mom doesnt want to have anymore kids so every monday and tuesday i become Elliot Ambrose twin brother of Alysia Ambrose. the story is that we hate eachother, but in reality we are eachother. its pretty funny because everytime someone calls me sir i just want to laugh. but anyway, i will be the first woman ( in desquise) to own literally anything, preferably the best import and export company ( A/N: i didnt know how else to describe it so give me a break) in the british empire. but first, i need chocolate and fun with my friends because i am a 15 year old girl. we walk into the chocolate store and start piling chocolate onto the counter. i am currently looking at a new chocolate bar that has peanuts and debating wether it is worth the extra five shillings. yes i inherited my fathers stinginess ( just not to his extreme) you know what , i am gonna die one day and i might regret not trying this. so im just gonna- woah, it's dark. wait a minute.

" if you scream i will hurt you."

" who said i was going to scream. jesus, what did you assume since im a girl you chauvanist pig."

" just like your mother huh, father talked about her."

" say what?"

" oh, you dont know who i am ."

" obviously. what are you important or something?"

now i am in a chair...

" very funny."

" im not kidding."

" I'm your fathers worst nightmare."

" ah, so your from a charity."

" no."

" um... tax collector?"

" no."

" homeless man thats been sitting in front of the empire house?"

he took off my blindfold ouuu he is kinda cu- what no he kidnapped you.

" do i look homeless?!"

" hey, woah, woah, calm down, im just listing off the options here... lets see are you a jobless beggar just wanting to take his hard earned money?"

"... NO!"

" are you my grandfather i mean you seem a little young, nice to meet you grandpa-"

" enough! obviously you are not as smart as they say you are."

" heeeey now, no need to be mean. just because no one knows who you are doesnt mean you have to call me names."

" people know who i am..."

" then how come i dont."

" ... ugh! fine ill just tell you, i am lord Eugene Dagliesh's son, Elijah."

" oh... ok, ive heard the name dagliesh. but let me tell you now, you are NOT i repeat not my fathers worst nightmare."

" you know what. i cant do this you need to be quiet."

" oh really now why is that you cabrao i dont know why you even bothered to kidnap me what the do you want huh!?"

" i kidnapped you to get information from you for my father."

" well, you are wasting my precious time. i'm going to be late."

" for what? being your fathers apprentice."

uh, whatdoidowhatdoido! aaaaahhhhhh how does he know. stop brethe... poker face.

" i dont know what your talking about."

" oh yes you do, i can see right through you Elliot."

son of a bechelor. i have to keep my cover, if he finds knows then im screwed. 

" thats my twin brother."

" oh but how come i never see the two of you together huh?''

" i hate him thats why."

" oh..."

" knowladge is power is time is money, and you are wasting my time. so let me go before i punch your face."

" im not afraid of you little girl- ow."

" nothing makes me angrier than a chauvanistic miser a vel. thats what you get."

now i kick him for good measure. now, to remind him who he is dealing with. i bend down and get reeeeal close and do my best impersonation of Mr. Rikkard Ambrose.

" let me remind you who i am little dagliesh. i am Alysia Ambrose daughter of Rikkard Ambrose and Lilian Linton and if you think for a second that you of all people can hold me down Elijah then you are terribly mistaken. so i highly suggest that you stand up and get that blood off of your face. also, quit wasting my time."

holy dollar signs, i have officially perfected my impercination skills. i sounded just like father. ha i knew i could do it. Elijah looks terrified. huh, good serves him right. i mean i am pretty scary, karim calls me a Falak, i asked him what that was once. his reply, " you will torture us all. it has begun." so... i have no clue but i like it. i walk away from him and see his eyes on my... oh gods


hello everyone did ya miss me

* sniffles* didnt think so

anyways tell me how it is, does it suck do you like it. please tell me, but dont be ass holes about it. ok now for the glossary

-   cabrao- kind of like a douche, but a big one

- miser a vel- bastard

ps. i still have to find a cover so... just give me time. also this isnt edited 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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