To Fall *Prologue*

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Hello, here is a little bit of a story that i'm planning on writing. It's really short, but i promise to make the next chapter at least six pages long on word. at the very least.

if you like the story, and want me to write more, vote and comment.

I need a name for a girl and for a boy.

Make them meaningful too.

I think this is a prologue? Yep.

read the rant at the end too because its important and un-boring. ;)

happy reading!


Space was a beautiful place. The never-ending stretch of darkness was calming. The planets drifted in harmony. Their differences and similarities made space magical.

Earth was my favourite planet. It fascinated me. Humans were interesting beings. They had things called 'Friendship' and 'Violence.'

They had something else, too. It was called 'Love.'

Most humans underestimate it's power. It brings things like 'Family' together, but could also rip them apart. Even though I was not a human, I still liked to watch over those who are.

I liked to try and understand why humans did what they did for each other. 'Love' was one of the most common reasons. 'Hate' was as well. Everything about human nature made me yearn to be a human myself.

Even if some humans didn't like their lives, it was because they didn't really see how incredible they were. Emotions were something that not many others in space had, so human nature was cherished.

My warm light was radiating off of me one night, but it seemed brighter this day than the rest. My light was seen all the way on earth. The sun had gone, leaving the deep eternal darkness behind. Humans were readying themselves for their time of sleep.

Before many of them went to bed, they looked up at the dark sky, and a few spotted me far off in the distance.

They made wishes on me, but sadly I could never fulfil their wishes.

Until one human spoke louder than the rest.

'I want to fall in love.' A voice whispered to me in the softest tone. It was deep and calming. It was human.

It was then that I made my decision.

To fall.

For a human.

All because of 'Love.'

Okay so that is my new story. It's a bit out-there when it comes to topics. I think im going to make the catagories Fantasy and Romance.

I really need support on this story because its going to be amazing. i swear-ith on thy grave-ith. its going to be quite funny too.

you guys like it? writing it made me smile because i got to make up a bunch of stuff about something that hasnt been writen about yet. so its not cliche or any of that bull.

oh my god my 'enter' button is soo broken so i cant press down on it easily. i think there's something under it. Soo im going ot go now.

if i dont get feedback, im not going to write any more. even if i get 1 vote, ill write more because:

a) if just one person reads this and wants to read more, ill write, just for you. so if that person is you, im going to write this jsut for you. leave your little message in the comment section below just saying "i want to be that one person! write for me!" ;) and ill do it. because i love you and want to have your babies.

b) i really love this story and even if im not writing it for lots of people, ill be writing it because i want to.

okay its 6 in the morning, i havent spelt yet because youtube is so entertaining, i had a dream about this yesterday so i had to write it but had to brainstorm all day about the plot, i have a flight at 10 tomorrow, im going to frickin die. i love you all and i hope you support me with this new story.. im out, peace. >.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2010 ⏰

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