~Steamy Shower~

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Sighing with relief, you stepped into the scalding hot shower, pulling the heavy curtain closed, sealing you off from the rest of the shower room. The door of the showers was tightly shut, trapping the cleansing heat within.

You massaged lavender oil through your thick locks, relishing the feeling of grime being washed away. As you turned to grab the soap, you bumped your injured wrist off the tiled wall. Hissing in pain, you cursed loudly. Erwin was right, it WOULD have been a mistake to train with it. Sore as it was now, practising hand to hand with a bad sprain would only damage it further.

Still, you weren't one to complain- having a free afternoon was always a bonus. Well, you were supposed to be cleaning the Mess-Hall but you figured a sneaky shower was on the cards.

At least you had the whole showers to yourself, a once in a lifetime event. You got to have the good stall too. It was a standing joke that one of the showers was permanently stuck on full blast, creating the illusion of a ghost with a shower fetish. The noise of the rushing water from the broken cubicle became part of the background for you recruits.

It seemed eerily quiet without Sasha threatening to yank back the shower dividers or Ymir flicking water at everyone. The walls were silent, devoid of the giggles and echoes that normally reverberated around the room.

Holding your throbbing wrist under the scalding stream soothed it somewhat, and as the pain ebbed away, you began to once more appreciate the luxury of hot water. It ran in furrows down your shoulders, trickling between your soaped breasts. Miniscule droplets twinkled on your eyelashes, casting miniature rainbows before your pupils.

As you reluctantly prepared to rinse off, you heard the door open and voices quietly mumbling. The rushing water blotted out the words.

Shit…probably Sasha and Connie sneaking in a smooching session again.

You groaned inwardly. Sasha was easy-going but she hated people knowing what she got up to with Connie. Connie on the other hand, bragged about it to the other boys. Typical male.

Annie was the unlucky one to get caught with them last time. You had never seen Sasha so angry or Annie so freaked out. The rest of the class had decided unanimously to simply pretend they weren't there if they got trapped with the amorous couple again.

After all, a few snatched minutes here and there was all anyone had in such close quarters. Privacy was nearly unheard of. Considering death was around every corner, nobody begrudged them those few precious minutes alone.

Cautiously tilting your head, you confirmed that yes, there was that tell-tale smacking, the moist sounds of two tongues wrestling. A low moan of satisfaction rumbled deep within someone's throat.

Blushing furiously, you submerged your head beneath the rushing water- only to have it cut off.

No, no, o shit, please not now, I don't want to hear Sasha making out with ANYONE!

Things were getting interesting beyond the curtain judging by the heavy breathing and the sharp groans.

OK, no problem, I'll just wait for them to finish snogging, wait for them to fuck off, then get the hell out of here.

You froze in place as you heard a harness fall heavily to the floor, followed by the sounds of a shirt being ripped open.

No way, making out is one thing, but I'm NOT gonna listen to them fuck!

"Come on, it's just you and me. Drop the act." A male voice spoke, followed by rapid breathing. A voice cried out sharply. It sounded…muffled…like a hand was clamped over the mouth. You couldn't take any more.

ErwinxReaderxLevi (Steamy Shower) Smut/Lemon Where stories live. Discover now