Tenebris Stellam

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OOOOOOOOkay, if you're here because you liked one of my newer stories (Like 14-99), I got bad news for you. Dark Star/Tenebris Stellam/Nate Williams' Excellent Adventure/Thinly Veiled Bioshock and Gravity Falls ripoff was written 2 years ago and I kind of rushed the ending, so it's not as good compared to something like, say, Singularity or 14-99. I will say this, though; it's my first really well done written work (I don't consider Ashes, chronologically the first of my works, in its current state to even be worth putting up here), and for that it deserves a place amongst my more polished works. May you enjoy it on its own merits. 


Chapter 1: Nate Williams 

 "...Wake up, Nate." 

I awoke with a start. I looked around the room, fearing. I felt like I had just seen a ghost, but oddly, I couldn't even remember the dream. Just that one, cryptic final sentence. 

"You ok, dude?" 

I glance down. Sitting on his sleeping bag at the foot of my bed was my best friend, Colin. He seemed startled. 

"Uh, yeah. I think." I say. 

"Just a dream, eh? Must've been the Doritos." Says Colin. 

I chuckle and get out of bed. Colin stands up with me and we go downstairs. 

It was a warm Sunday morning in June. I live in a small town in the whimsical northern land of Canada. I never got the stereotypes. 15 whole years on God's green Earth and I have yet to see a moose, or one of those mounted police with their funny hats and their red jackets and their horses. 

Colin, he's 15 too. We live in the same town, in practically the same neighborhood.  Me and him, we're best friends. 

He was over at my house for the start of the weekend. Me and him had a marathon of our favorite show, Breaking Bad. 3 seasons, 2 large Pepsis, 4 bags of Doritos, one epic marathon! 

In hindsight, it kicked ass. 

"Morning, guys. You want something for Breakfast?" My mom asks as we walk into the kitchen. 

"No thanks mom, I'm good." I say. "Well, alright. Come back if you change your mind." Mom says back. 

"I want something..." Colin says. "Well, okay Colin. What would you like?" Mom says. I plop down at a chair around the table, slouching. 

"What do we have?" Colin asks. "Here, catch!" Mom tosses an apple Colin's way. He catches it and takes a bite. "Thanks." Colin says. Apples are his favorite fruit, so it looks like he's happy with that. He sits down beside me. "So Nate, what are we gonna do today?" Colin asks, taking another bite of his apple. "Oh, you know, stuff." I say. "If by 'stuff' you mean play some Xbox, then that sounds good." Colin says. "Yeah, sounds great." I say. Colin and I are full-time gamers, so how could I refuse an offer like that? Today sounds like it's going to be great. Hanging out in a nice town like this with the best friend in the world, playing video games and drinking the remainder of the Pepsi. What could possibly go wrong? 

Colin and I race upstairs, back to my room. I turn on the Xbox. 

The two of us sit ourselves down in front of the TV. Naturally, being the geeks we are, sat there playing for like 2 hours. 

By 11:00, we were playing another level on Left 4 Dead, killing zombies with big guns, the usual things. "Hey, wanna go into town? I'm thinking we should get some sun or something." Colin says. "Yeah, sure. I was thinking the same thing." I say, though honestly I was perfectly happy mowing down zombies with my sub machinegun.  I grab my cap and walk downstairs. Colin follows, turning off the Xbox before leaving. We slip into our shoes, heading for the door. "Mom, me and Colin are heading out, okay?" I call out. "Okay, Nathan. Just remember to take your phone, don't do any drugs and be back in time for lunch." Mom says. I laugh. "I think you can trust us." I say with a smile. "I know, I'm just joking around. Just remember to come back soon." Mom says. "Ok, bye!" I say. Colin and I leave the house. My house is a nice house. Mom and I have been living here since I was little. My dad was in the military. He died when I was barely older than a baby. It's sad, really, but it's a memory I try not to dwell on. If only I could remember my dad's face...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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