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(a/n hii welcome to the sequel! so all the Greek in this is from me as I can write and read Greek so yeah 🙃)

"Wow." Ryan whispered reaching for his bag.

"Right." Brendon said tightly grabbing his backpack.

The sign they both stood in front read: 'βαγ κλαιμ'
(Bag Claim)

"Sooo," Brendon whistled. Ryan looked at him tearing his eyes away from the sign.


"Where and how do we leave?" Ryan chuckled.

"I'm not sure." Ryan muttered.

"Well, maybe we should have thought this through..." Brendon turned to a door looking at the sign above which read: 'εχιτ'

"B! B!" Ryan grabbed Brendon's arm and pointed to the sign. "It says exit!!" Ryan rushed out of the airport still holding onto Brendons arm. Ryan pulled his phone out of his pocket looking at the time.

"It's 7:40 in the morning. No wonder it's almost abandoned." Ryan laughed a little. Brendon chuckled and grabbed his phone turning it off airplane mode. Ryan noticed and looked at Brendon. "Bren, that's gonna cost you."

"Nah, I'm getting a phone here. This ones useless." Brendon could say those things. His family would get him a new phone if he dropped it and it touched a piece of grass.

"Oh," Ryan hummed looking at the sky. The sun was just rising.

"Look! An Uber!" Brendon called. Ryan looked away from the beautiful sight to see his beautiful boyfriend.

"I don't think they're called Uber's Brendon-" Brendon yanked Ryans arm before Ryan could finish his sentence.

He pulled him down the windy trail of the stairs leading away from the airport and to the car. The woman driving opened the passenger door.

"Γοινγ το?" She asked. Ryan looked at her
(Going to?)

"Americans." She muttered a heavy accent lacing her voice. "Going to?" She asked again in English.

"Eh, È-È Palä?" Brendon tried looking at his phone. The woman laughed and started the car.

"Ε Παλλα." She corrected laughing.
(E Palla)
"Motel huh?" Brendon laughed and nodded as he turned down a cobble stone road. Brendon grabbed Ryans hand giving it a squeeze.

"Yeah," Brendon said after a moment of silence. She turned back to look at them. She looked them up and down before looking back at the road.

"Why Motel? Looks like you're loaded." Brendon laughed.

"Y-yeah." She dropped them off in front of a nice Motel.

"Have fun aye." She said as Brendon handed her some money. She took it waving them off as she drove away.

Then Ryan and Brendon stood in front of a Motel that neither of them knew how to pronounce the name.

Welcome to Rock Bottom
Ahhhh it's here!!! I'm so excited for this y'all have NO IDEA
So my camping trip is on Tuesday and I'm really stressed yay😒
Like I said in the beginning all the Greek is from me so that's fun
We find out our camping groups tomorrow and I'm not even that stressed
Also my brother and father started watching the titanic and I can't see it twice in one weekend ahhh but I'm going to
So yeah I'll let y'all know more tomorrow
So please let me know what you think about this :)
•Song Suggestion•: I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy
Umm yeah I don't got much to say
I'm sorry ik I've been terrible at updating my mind is shipwrecked but I will tomorrow!! Please don't hate me

~enjoy killjoys~

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