Before pt.I

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I open my eyes to find my self in, what seems like, an abandoned town in the middle of the night. I think it's raining but I'm not sure, all I can think about is running. I am not exactly sure why I am running, all I know is that I can't stop or else something will happen, something bad. I hear a loud bang, a gun shot, and for some reason I know the gun is aimed at me.

"Don't stop running." I tell my self, but

I'm exhausted, and I can't help but think of how good it would feel to take a break. BANG! Yea, I'll just stick to running, or at least I try to. I am down to a slow jog now and I am starting to feel a bit light headed. I can't run forever, they will catch up to me. I have to think of a plan and fast. Another gun shot, but this time it's louder and I can hear the bullet whistle past my head. I have to do something.

That's when I see a thin alley in between two old apartment buildings. I am usually afraid of alleys but I have no other option, so I run in between the buildings. The alley is dark, so dark I can hardly see what is right in front of me, but I continue to run anyway. Stumbling over many random objects and a couple mice, I begin to notice that the walls are getting closer together. I keep running, hoping that maybe I can reach the end before I no longer fit. The walls are converging at an angle and the alley is only two feet wide now. I can already see that I am not going to make it. So I stop and listen to see if they are still after me. It isn't until now that I realize the gunshots have stopped. Instead of gunshots I hear footsteps and a faint conversation.

"Um, Where did she go?"

"You lost her?!"

"Of course he did. All he knows how to do is eat."

"Shut u-"

"Guys stop arguing maybe she's just hiding. Emmett you go look around the gas station, Kennedy you go look in the apartments, I'll go look in the alleys."

"Okay let's not waste time. We need her dead."

Great, I'm trapped. If I run out of this alley they will see me and kill me. If I stay and hide the man looking through the alleys will kill me. There is only one way out of this and that way is up. The walls are close enough to jump up, and get a grip by push my legs and arms outward, like a spider, to climb. It's a bit tricky due to the rain, but some how I manage to climb all three stories.

I finally reach the top, my adrenaline starts to fade and I get an overwhelming feeling of relieve. I feel safe, or at least I felt that way. After a moment of bliss something abruptly yanks my hair. Before I can react, a plastic bag is pulled over my head and I am pinned down. It feels like two to three strong men, but I only hear one voice.

With a raspy tone and a bit of hesitation he says, "I-I know what you are."

I want to say something in reply like 'who the fuck are you' or 'can you please get off', but I can't. My lungs are burning and my head is pounding.

I am suffocating.

And That's my last thought before it all goes black...


I wake up gasping for air, and I can't help but notice how bright it is in my room. What time is it?

I look around the sheets for my phone and I find it under a pile of pillows on the floor.

"No, no this can't be right."

"You slept through the whole day Abigail."

"Mom! how long have you been watching me?"

"Five, ten min-"

"You know what, it doesn't matter. Just get out and let me get ready."

"Ready for what?! The days over if you haven't noticed... And I'm starting to worry. this isn't normal."

"Okay I know. Now go."

I sit there on my bed until she walks out. She is right, this isn't normal. I woke up at six thirty in the afternoon, which means I've been asleep for 20 hours. That's four hours longer than last time and seven hours longer than the time before that. If this pattern continues I will sleep five hours longer tomorrow. Though my new sleeping pattern is a bit strange, it is the least of my worries. What I'm really frightened of is my dream.

A couple weeks before I began sleeping a lot, I started to have this dream of running away. At first it seemed normal, I had the dream once every other week, but then it started occurring more often. It occurred every fourteen days, then every eleven days, then every 8 days, and it didn't take long before I was having the dream everyday.

My dream never changed until I began to sleep for longer periods of time. The longer I sleep, the longer I dream. So now that my sleep is constantly getting longer, I am quickly discovering new bits and prices of my dream. Though this might seem pretty exciting, to know what will happen next, I am nothing but excited. In fact I am terrified because I have a feeling that the dream is not going to end well. Though I know it's just a dream and that it's not real, I am scared because every time I have this dream I begin to see more details and it begins to feel more real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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