Jimmy, Jimella and Me's Christmas

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All of the sudden, I fell through the  chimney. "OOF!" Ok, back to the beginning. Over the Christmas holidays we really wanted to meet Santa. Not the guy at the mall whose breath smells like broccoli (no offence) who says he is you (imposter). Because we really wanted to tell you our Christmas list in person. So we took a plane over Scotland , Great Britain, and a place called Cenedew  (Correct spelling Can-a-da) to the North Pole. Once we got there, we didn't really know where to go so we asked a celebration (pack) of polar bears. Turns out polar bears don't speak english, so we thought they said "Take our food, turn left, around the iceberg, and swim straight from there to the strong rays of light." So that's what we did, and that's how we ended up on an iceberg. Sooner, or later a helicopter flew up to us and dropped down a ladder. I think that it said: paramedics or something thing like that. A police car also drove by somehow so we got almost as scared as when we watch My Little Pony. Very scary stuff. Then, in a flash, (I was tired, okay?) I was at home. I thought I was Santa, got a ladder, climbed up, and jumped down the chimney for no reason at all... Ok maybe one reason... Or 10... Or 1738. After Me, and Jimella got me in a full body cast, we went and watched a documentary about Donald Trump's wall. After about 3 pennies later, someone asked why we were staring at a wall. "Oh, I don't know." Said Me. "Let's go home and stand by the T.V. and watch the fire channel with some hot cocoa.(After I got out of my body cast because I was just faking it for free potatoes.) Then, I randomly spilled my hot cocoa on Me, so then Me spilled on Jimella. So then Jimella spilled hot cocoa on the T.V because she thought it was a game. After that, we went into a room with no lights, and got sucked into a black hole which threw us across the universe at a very fast speed (Jimella thought it was 123456789 apples per milliseconds, but it was really 12243532763487638267934864379865897652786587687562857687526875628952765476425425 washing machines per potato.) to Santa's Workshop! I wondered where we were, so I checked my recycling bin and apparently we were in the North-South-East-North-A-Bit-More-West-In-A-Recycling  -Bin-Pole! (Jupiter) P.S. Jimella thinks it is Pluto. P.S.S Me thought it was still Earth. But when we took we took one step, we got suddenly teleported back to the real earth. We were really dejected because we did not get to meet Santa. When we stopped blubbering, Jimmella and I insisted on another cup of hot hot sorta orange cocoa (Me's speciality). After we drank it all, we all went to bed thinking about what we wanted for Christmas and what we will get. (We all wanted world peace and a gold, apple, pizza slicer, and possibly even a potato coloured three tandem hoverboard. Jimmella also wants an apple-pizza-slicer-minty swirl coloured printer.) Well, I should really be going now, because the rest of the story is too long. So bye! LOL IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO! So, after we went to sleep, we went downstairs and saw the gifts. We opened them and we got exactly what we wanted! We even got world peace! (A sheet that said "World Peace" on it.) Jimella started printing pizza slices with her new printer. And I rode on my new tandem potato coloured (and scented) hover board. Well, that's the end for Jimmy, Jimella, and Me! Until next year!... Just kidding! There are always more adventures for... JIMMY, JIMELLA, and ME! :D *ding*

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