chapter 1

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Grayson P.O.V.
I was in the shower suddenly I heard my phone ringing I went to go answer it it was ethan so I said what's up he said I'm on my way I said okay take your time we hung up ethan came in with out knocking he barged in when I was out of the shower I was naked this is not the first time he walk in on me naked he just stood their laughing at me I said can you give me a towel he left went to go get my towel that we share then when he came back he said some food I said yah when we got their ethan ask for 2 pepsis ethan told me that he is paying I told him okay than he did something his hand was on my thighs my feelings are coming back it felt good then I let a loud moan that everybody looked at us then ethan said you can finush eating your food than everybody turn back around whispering than  ethan looked at me and said lets take this to the bathroom than I said ok

In The Bathroom

Ethan P.O.V.
After I touched grayson thighs I don't know why but I'm in love with grayson I know its wrong but all the time I'm with him I feel butterflies in my stomach tgen when I kissed him he pull back and I said lets go in the bathroom he said ok so we went in the bathroom than when we got in their I locked the door and slam him on the wall and started kissing him down to his forehead down to his member and i unzipped his pants he let out a moan then we took off each other shirts and pants than he starts putting his fingers in my hole I was moaning than he sat down on the bowl and I got on top of him and we were humping and grinding then grayson said WHOS YOUR DADDY than I said GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN IS MY DADDY then he said good then someone was in the bathroom and said who's in here I looked it was the owner I said grayson its the owner and he said shhh then 3 min he left I said lets go and we put are clothes baxk on then we fix are hair and the owner said their you are I thought you left then we ate than went home were we watched 21 jump street then we went to sleep

Authors Note
Grayson is the daddy so he's the top
Ethan is Babyboy so he's the bottom
Please enjoy reading so you won't be confused

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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