A Dwindling Dynasty

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By: Connor Scott

A Story of a Thousand Falling Stars


Many cultures today, believe in good and evil. Yin and Yang, tying together to fold all aspects, all forms of reality in this universe. But what if they're all wrong? What if there is no dark, and no light; there is only what we see, and what we feel. Life and death; two sides of the same coin, equal, and forever bound together. When we look into the sky in the middle of the night, there is no good and evil, just the infinite black night sky, shrouded in mystery and darkness, and a thousand stars blaring in space, sending beacons of unimaginable light our way.

If it truly is our own minds and souls that define us... then what are we? Could the great gods that have been worshipped for so long not have made us more perfect? More commendable and exceptional? You think of yourself as a good person... But that's not true, is it? When have you proven unique from the world? When have you really sacrificed for something larger? Would you be ready to give your life for something more immeasurable than yourself? We live in a dark world; one that is nearing its end. Unless we change, and all of us together... a thousand stars are ready to fall onto our land.


Puddles splashed the sides of the cave, sending small drops of water trickling down the ragged stone wall, as Yasmin trudged through the damp corridor of which she knew so well. She pulled her long, black hair over her shoulders, revealing a beautiful sliver necklace with a diamond star at the end. It always shone, enlightening Yasmin's path, even when light was scarce; Yasmin always loved to view it as hope, and tried to forget the dark horrors that it had always beheld.

"Chikoto?" She shouted softly as she turned a corner, and saw the steady shape of her brother sitting peacefully in a small, open temple, in the center of the large, dim cave. At the front of Chikoto's lair, there was a large opening, where he would always look out at the night sky.

"Chikoto." Yasmin said as she pulled her dress off the ground and walked up the slippery stairs up to her brother. "I've come to tell you"-

"I know why you've come, sister;" He interrupted.

"Then you've already seen it..." Yasmin remarked as she looked down at the tiled floor of the temple, so smooth that she could see her reflection in it. "We warned them. They should've listened..." Her voice trailed off.

"Indeed." Chikoto turned to face his sister; "but they did not. And the stars have begun to draw near. We must turn this around."

"Brother..." Yasmin looked down at her bright pink dress, as beautiful as a flower blossoming in spring... But this power... shis star around her neck; it weighed her down, tortured her like a scolding iron stick on her skin. "I can't do this anymore." Yasmin reached for the jewel around her neck, and removed it, extending her arm and offering it to her brother. Chikoto just stared into her eyes; trying to read her as best he could, before giving his response.

"No." He said as he folded her hand around the star; "This was given to you, only you." He reached out and held her other hand with his own. "If anyone can contain what's inside... it's you. I may be powerful, but there is nothing more divine than your soul. You must be the one to put the people back on the right path. "So tell me sister; are you ready?"

She stared into his dark blue eyes, as her own narrowed with determination; "I am."


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