1 - The End

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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! - Wednesday, June 6 2018


Lately the news has been packed with mysterious reports of cannibalism.

It's been a month since the first news of an attack like this aired on television. Most people shrugged it off as just another drug addict. In fact, I did as well, but when two other reports came in the following week I got a bit skeptic. Well, more than a bit.

I've always been a paranoid person. Every morning I wake up, pour myself a cup of black coffee, and watch the news. I always like to make sure I know what's happening otherwise I get a bit on edge (once again, more than a bit).

When I heard about the second attack I went through my day, and then headed to a supermarket. I spent the early part of the night stocking up on canned foods and bottled water.

Though, once I watched the third attack on the news, I called in sick to work and skipped my classes for the day. I bought another pistol and hid it in a box under the sofa. I also relocated my old Magnum under my pillow-safety on, of course. I made a hole in my bed just big enough to slide it through, then I covered it with cotton, so it can be easily accessible while still remain hidden.

That's not it though. After some quick researching I found that a Katana is one of the sharpest weapons ever made. Which I'm sure you can guess that I tried purchasing one. Unfortunately, I had no luck finding a seller so I settled for the next best thing - a baseball bat.

I know, I'm joking, but I wasn't sure what other weapons I could buy. I thought about a machete, but I'm sure that would've been equally difficult to purchase. At least, the bat is aluminum which gives it more power, and I also have my prized army knife stored carefully in my closet. Not to mention the pocket knife I carry with me. So, I'm pretty sure I'm good with weapons, for now.

Anyways, that aside, I'm currently watching the 5th attack this month, and I can feel my thumb twitch against my mug.

"—face completely ripped apart. Police say the man's face was mauled to the bone, and when the attacker was confronted they seemed completely unfazed. When police asked the attacker to surrender calmly he instead ran to them at full force while - and I quote - "growling like an animal". Police then had no choice, but to use force themselves, though, it's said it took at least a dozen shots to finally put the man down. Police also say the man's face was unrecognizable and other forms of DNA had to be used, such as his fingernails, to identify him."

"Wow." The second reporter stares shocked at the first.

"Right? I couldn't believe it either when I first heard this."

I feel my finger twitch again, and I take another sip from my coffee.

'It's actually happening.'

I take out my phone and go into my contacts. I don't have a lot of important people right now, and seeing as how things are going I probably won't have any more anytime soon. Still, I scroll down until I spot my father's number.

I dial, and wait. I take another sip of coffee, just enjoying the warmth of it going down my throat. The deliciously strong scent entices me to another sip as the rings finally send me to voicemail. I hang up and continue scrolling down.

'He's probably just busy preparing for work.'

I call my mother, instead.

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