Jefferson's tea [Sebastian Stan]

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"Okay [Y/n], how about you not fall on the floor this time? Okay? We good? Kay, so we'll go ahead and start this back where you are given the tea and start to look at the piano once more." The director said with a small laugh when they asked you not to fall on the floor after you are placed on the couch. In your defense it wasn't your fault, but hey what can one more take of this scene do?
"Okay, I think I can do this." You reply shaking you head slightly as they replace the cup and a few other things.
Walking towards the mantle you place your hands on the wood and glance down thinking of your lines. Shaking your head. This was only the twentieth time you had to do this scene, or so you felt. The co-star in this scene was walking passed you to get back out of the shot. You give a small laugh and look towards him. "Sorry Sebastian, I'm sure you are really tired of doing this scene." You tell him over your shoulder.
He presents you with a small smile and shakes his head. "It's fine, I don't mind catching you when you fall." He winked chuckling before walking off set and to the corner.
A small smile appeared on your face before trying to go back to thinking of your lines. This scene was a scene they wanted to add because it is a scene that shows Jefferson playing around with the proper drug that will make people fall asleep that way when he went and stole Emma he'd be able to make her do as he wanted after he knocked her out. Of course so far you couldn't exactly present this scene the best, honestly you doubt it'd be used. All of the other scenes shot before were so much better than this one that is with your character. It would have been better for you to stay behind the scenes rather than giving you a character to work with in the show, at least in your opinion. This character, as far as you were aware, would never even be used in another episode. They wanted to make sure they had enough footage to play around with making this show last as long as it needed to.
"Okay, and we are ready?" The director asked. You gave a nod and assumed Sebastian did as well since they continued "lights?" There was a small pause before they then asked "camera?" Once again a slight pause before they conclude "Okay and... action."
"I thought you could try this one now?" You glance towards Sebastian and look to the tray before walking away from the mantle.
"How many more teas can you possibly have?" You asked tired of trying tea after tea. In real life it was the same type of tea but in this scene it was probably your millionth tea that day.
"I have as many as it takes to get the correct flavor." Sebastian as Jefferson said pouring the tea into the cup before looking up at you giving a small smile as he offers the cup. "And since you are so great with flavors in tea I figured you'd be the best to be a taste tester." He adds as your hand takes the cup.
"Okay but this is the last time. I think all this tea is making me a bit sick." You take a sip before walking towards the piano.  Instantly you taste something strange but shake it off and continue with the scene as if maybe all of this was just going to your head.
"Oh is it?" He sounded as if he was hurt and you quickly jumped to your line like you were told to the first time you took this scene.
"Oh I'm sure it's nothing involving the flavor, it's just probably because of how many I have had over the course of an hour." You send him a smile over your shoulder before looking back at the piano and then the cup. Taking the last two drinks you were suddenly hit with this horrible dizzy spell.
"That's unusual." You say quietly taking a few steps back and feeling your breathing pick up slightly.
"Is something wrong?" asked looking at you with some concern but not much.
"Th-the room is... is spinning." You say quietly grabbing the mantle with one hand swaying slightly. Confusion filled your face as you began feeling even more drowsy. Trying to stand straight you gripped the mantle as best you could but only felt yourself falling back faster. Just when you thought you'd find yourself fall to the ground, with your mind hazy, you hit something solid.
"Somethings wrong." You breath out half here, half somewhere else. Looking towards Sebastian he began to lead you back to the couch that you had fallen so many times on.
"Everything's going to be alright [C/n]. It'll all be alright." He quoted before laying you softly on the soft material.
You were breathing hard and trying to stay awake. "Se... Seb..." You tried but it only came out in huffs and didn't sound like anything at all. "Seb... Seb.." You repeat and repeated shutting your eyes against your will.
Trying to open your eyes more only made them shut right as soon as you did. Eventually they just stopped opening and felt yourself falling into an endless void of black. The last feeling you had was of the heavy cup falling from your hand making all your sensations completely numb and non-existent.
"Cut." The director said before going to the camera and looking at the play back.
Sebastian brows pinched together seeing you not move and walked towards you concerned. "[Y/n]?" He asked softly. He knelt down and examined your face lightly touching it before he shook you from you shoulders. "[Y/n]? Hey. The shoots over. We finished. You can wake up now you know?" He tried laughing a little nervously.
When you made no attempt to respond let alone more he felt his heart beating faster. "[Y/n]?" He shook harder but staying gentle as to not hurt you. Moving his hand under your head he lifted it up trying to get a better look at you. "Oh no. Oh no." He repeated several times. He placed your head back down and moved to check your pulse. "Shit." He cursed feeling just how weak it was. "We need a DOCTOR. SHE ISN'T WAKING UP." he yelled getting up to his feet rushing off set to get his phone to dial for an ambulance.
~Time skip~
Your eyes began to flutter open finally waking up from whatever slumber you had been placed under. Remaining still for a few more minutes you listen to the heart monitor beeping to your hearts beat before suddenly jolting forward. "Sebastian." You say as loud as your voice would allow before shoving yourself off the bed. Your feet felt the cold ground fine, however your first step was your last. The moment your weight rested on a single leg you fell forwards to the floor.
"[Y/n]." Someone said with worry before rushing towards you body on the floor. You worked to sit on your knees a bit shocked you couldn't walk normal.
Glancing towards the person who was crouched next to you. "Sebastian." Your heart pounded faster by the second. "What happened? Where am I?" You're eyes widened at the sight of your hand with an iv in it. Normally you wouldn't be freaking out but you don't know what happened.
"It's okay. You're okay. Just calm down okay?" Sebastian said a bit worried that you had fallen down. He grabbed your arm and slowly helped you up. "Come on let's get you back in bed." You backed up and got back on the bed slowly with his help the whole time. You're eyes looked at everything but him.
"Why.. why am I here?"
A sigh escaped Sebastians lips as he lowered you back to where you were laying back down. "[Y/n] What do you remember last?" He asked quietly looking at you.
"I... I remember... I remember you and.. ugh" you shut your eyes and placed a hand on your head wishing that you could just remember what exactly happened. "I... I don't know... there was.. there was a-a couch... the.. uh."
"Hey. Hey it's okay. You're okay now. Just breath." Sebastian said softly taking the hand that wasn't on you head in his own. "We were doing the tea scene. Remember?"
You're eyes looked in his and you took a deep breath before nodding. "The tea scene. And I kept falling on the floor." You remembered. "And we did one more take. The tea..." You stopped and were looking at your legs with wide eyes. "The tea was... it had a weird taste to it... it was different than those before it." Sebastian nodded his head holding you hand gently before kissing it softly.
"Yeah. It uh turned to have been different."
"I... I could have died." You said before  sitting up and moving your hand to your throat.
"Well, you didn't drink enough of it to do that but if it didn't affect you the way it did then possibly." Sebastian said letting go of your hand and looking at your legs. "They said if you woke up then in the morning you would be able to go home but they were going to keep you over night as they got to the bottom of it."
"You've been here the whole time?"
"About seven hours, but yeah almost the whole time."
"How long have I been here? What time is it?"
"It's about midnight. You came in at 4 I was able to come in and watch over you almost an hour after that when they let visitors in." He confirmed. His hand ghosted over your bare leg. "You can feel your legs right?"
You swallowed hard watching his hand move down your leg barely touching your skin. "I can feel that if that's what you're asking." You tell him. He went from one side to the other giving the same treatment to it.
"Why did you yell out my name earlier?" He asked sounding a bit spaced out.
"You were the last thing I remembered. I just... I don't know... though of you." You reply feeling your face heat up slightly. Out of no where you felt him move his hand to the bottom of your foot and tickle it slightly. You jump and move your foot instantly and press it against the mattress glaring at him. "Don't do that."
A smile appeared over his face as a chuckle escaped into the room. "I was just checking to see if they worked. After you fell I was worried." He said. Slowly the small smile that was there disappeared. "[Y/n], I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I should have known something was up."
"You weren't the one who spiked the drink." You clarified.
"But I was the one who gave it to you." He countered. "I was the one who kept the act of Jefferson while you were clearly not acting at all. I thought you were just trying to make it more natural for you. I guess I was right but it wasn't acting at all. I'm sorry." He hung his head low.
"Sebastian." You reply quietly. Your hand making it's way to his cheek. Rubbing it lightly you give a smile. "Hey look at me." He slowly did as you requested. "Don't beat yourself up over it, 'kay? You didn't know."
"But I should have."
"No one else knew, so how could you have?"
"I don't know." He replied with a shrug. His hand found your wrist and held it gently. "I'm sorry [Y/n]. I really am." He kissed the inside of your wrist before kissing the palm of your hand.
"I forgive you Sebastian, but I still don't think you did anything to cause this." You smiled.
"I love you." He whispered. You weren't sure what he had said before his lips were suddenly on yours. Your heart began to beat faster before you began to kiss him back.
One of his hands rested on your hip while the other moved to cradle the side of your head keeping you close to him. Your hand remains at his cheek, as the kiss deepened you tried to move your other hand to get you closer only to find resistance. Pulling away from it you instantly regretted it because the moment you had pulled the restraint away the heart monitor went flat with a loud singular beep, startling both you and Sebastian causing you both to part from the kiss and glance towards the monitor. Making the first move you began looking for the little clip that would sit on your index finger to register the pulse. "Shit." You curse before finally finding it and placing it on your finger just as someone runs in.
"What happened?" They asked panicked watching you and Sebastian.
"Sorry, it got caught and I accidently pulled it off." You admit blushing looking towards the side.
"Oh. Okay. Well try not to do it again." You give a nod and watch as they walk away.

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