The Pursuit of Happiness: Prologue

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Three years ago, I met the love of my life. It wasn't an instant attraction, but I knew he was my soulmate.

I swore off love the moment I found out my ex boyfriend was cheating on me. How can a man that claims that you're the love of their life cheat the way he did. He honestly did me so dirty. We had been together for two years... he was my first kiss, and the person who unfortunately took my virginity. I felt so stupid because he promised that we'd be together forever. He made me attached and took advantage of that. I cried for months after it happened. Imagine, grieving a relationship to a man that gaslighted you to believe you were crazy when the signs were right in-front of you. Grieving a relationship with a man that gaslighted you to believe that you were the reason why the relationship didn't work.

Three years later, cuddled with my husband, the thought of me crying over that man pops in my head... and I laugh because that relationship ending was the best thing to happen to me. I met my soulmate while mourning end of my last relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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