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Hello, here is another one shot. This isn't my story idea, it is a friend's idea, so hope you enjoy.

Lithuania's POV

I was on my way to Poland's house. We planned a sleepover a few days ago and today is the day. To be honest, I have a little crush on Poland. Well little is an understatement, I like him a lot. Basically everyone knows, except Poland. Even Russia knows. Anyway, I was at his doorstep. I knocked on the door. "Coming~"

Poland opened the door. "Hey Lithuania," Poland greeted. "Hi Poland," I said smiling. "Come on in," he said and stepped out of the way to let me pass. We went upstairs to his room.

We sat down on his bed. "So what do we do now," I asked. "Hmm," he hummed. He grabbed a brush and a few elastic hair ties. He motioned for me to come sit in front of him on the bed.

I sat in front of him and he started to play with my hair. After he was done I had two braids. He seemed pleased with himself. I smiled. He is so cute...

Poland's POV

I just braided Lithuania's hair. I have to say he looked beautiful. "You look like a girl," I laughed. He pouted. "Do not," he said. I laughed. I wish I could tell him how I feel...

"Say, Lithuania do you like, like someone,"  I asked. He looked at me surprised. I just have to know the answer. Maybe there's a chance he likes me back. I hope he likes me back...

"No, I don't like anyone at the moment," he said looking away. My face fell. "What about you," he asked. I shrugged trying to hide my hurt. "Nah, I don't like anyone," I said. This is the biggest lie I have ever told.

Lithuania's POV

I was surprised when he asked the question. I didn't know how to respond. If I tell him I like him, he could reject my feelings. But maybe he does like me back and he just doesn't know how to react to it.

"No, I don't like anyone at the moment," I said looking away. "What about you," I asked. "Nah, I don't like anyone," he said confidently, but with a hint of hesitation or hurt I couldn't tell. It was silent for a minute or so till he broke the awkward silence.

"Want to play cards," he asked. I nodded. We played UNO, go fish and rummy. I won with UNO and go fish, but he was great in rummy. In the last game I laid down on the bed resting my eyes.

Poland's POV

I had just put down my last card and yelled out a yes. I then realized, one how late it is and two Lithuania fell asleep. I watched his chest rise and fall as he breathed in and out. He looked cute when he slept.

He is surprisingly a still sleeper, really still. I got bored and I wasn't really tired so I decided to stack the cards on his chest. I was almost done, just one more card left. I was just about to stack the last one till...

He turned over, knocking down the cards. "NOOO, WHY LITHUANIA!" I screamed. He laughed and laughed. "You're cute when you're angry," he smiled. I blushed(very uncharacteristic of me). Then I noticed something on his back...

Lithuania's POV

Just when I was about to fall asleep, I felt something on my chest. I sneakily opened one eye to see Poland stacking the cards on my chest. I lied still so he could stack all of them. At the last one I turned so I was laying on my stomach. "NOOO, WHY LITHUANIA!" He screamed. I started laughing so hard.

"You're cute when you're angry," I accidentally said. I stopped laughing and stared wide eyed at nothing in particular, surprised at what I just said. He also went silent. I was about to turn around when I felt a cold finger on my back, tracing one of my scars I got before my independence. "What's this," Poland asked, tracing the scar on my back. I flinched. "N-nothing, I stuttered out. He pulled up my shirt even more, making me nervous and blush.

Poland's POV

I pulled up his shirt to reveal more scars. All the scars were mainly at the same place. "What happened," I asked once again. "N-nothing, really," he said and turned to face me. "Please tell me," I said pleadingly. I looked into his emerald green eyes, which now looked sad. "Please," I said one more time. He sighed.

"While I was under the rule of Russia with Estonia and Latvia, Russia usually beat me if I broke the rules, did something wrong or if he was in a bad mood. Latvia usually got into trouble and I took most of the beatings." He explained.

"Okay, where is this bastard so I could go kick his ass," I said getting up from the bed. Lithuania grabbed my hand. "Please don't, it's in the past, I got my independence," he smiled sadly. He started crying between the explanation. I pulled him in a tight embrace. He and I just held onto each other like a life line.

"I love you, Poland," he said after a while. "I love you too," I said.

                                                     THE END~

Am I the only one that died with the Russia part. Russia is one of my favorite characters😭. Anyway I hope you liked it. Till next time

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