The Body Mystery

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My alarm went off loudly at exactly 6:00 am. When I remembered that my new job was today, I jumped out of bed and got ready quickly. I was out of the door by 7:30. I got in my car and drove quickly to the Police station. When I got there I noticed an unusually shaped package on the front steps. I got closer and realized that there was a strangely colored liquid leaking out of the bottom and oozing onto the pavement below it. I knelt down and looked at the liquid, it looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I could hear the building's door open and the receptionist stepped out and looked at me like I was some random weirdo.

"What's this?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot impatiently.

"I don't know I just got here" I informed her.

"This wasn't here when I got here" She said and I looked at her, confused.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"At 8:00" She said before going back in and sitting at her desk. This package hasn't even been here for 30 minutes. This must have been recent. I said to myself.

After contemplating on what to do, I decided to haul the heavy box inside and set it in the reception area while I waited for my boss to get here.

"What is that?" He asked.

"A box that was placed outside this morning between 8:00 and 8:15. I decided to wait here and ask you what the next move is for the package" I explained.

"Just open it" He grunted and walked over to the reception desk. The woman handed him some gloves and a sharp tool to open the box with. He approached the object once again and bent down. The tool glided smoothly down the box and cut the tape that was holding it together. It folded out revealing a precisely wrapped item that was, alarmingly, shaped like a person. It had splotches of deep red stains that tainted the white of the cloth.

"Judy call the Coroner and get him here immediately" My boss said to the receptionist.

"Let's not interfere with this anymore so that we don't tamper with any evidence" He said to me and waved for me to follow him to his office. I sat across from him as he sat behind his desk.

"I think this is a perfect first case for you" He didn't bother to look at me because he was already busy doing his work.

He called in someone to show me to my new office so I could get comfortable before the Coroner gets here. Luckily, I managed to get a cup of coffee from the break room before he got here.

"Hello my name is Ted and you must be Timothy?" The Coroner said as he started to look at the body's surroundings.

"Yes" I confirmed. "This is my first case"

"Well I look forward to working with you" He said with a smile.

"Same here" I said with a sigh. I'm not the best a socializing. I should work on that. I scolded myself.

"Let's take a look at this body shall we?" He knelt down to the ground and started to unwrap the head first. He stiffened.

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

"Doesn't this look a little bit like you?" He gestured for me to come take a look. I stepped closer to him and I think I almost fainted right then and there. The body looked exactly like me but how? Who was this?

"Can we scan him for his identity or would it just show me?" I asked.

"I guess we'll have to see what your results look like" He shrugged like it was nothing.

"Okay" I said and only hope that this body would match to someone else and not me. That would be kind of creepy because I'm alive and right here.

"I'm going to take this body with me and we'll have an autopsy done for you. I'll come back once we get all of our information" He gave me an empathetic smile and patted me shoulder reassuringly.

"Good luck on your first case, this one's a special one" And with that he left with his team and the body. 

What a morning. I thought and sighed. I have a long day ahead of me. 

Later that day

I felt like I was going to tear all of my hair out. This is my first day and I've already been overworking myself. This is probably going to be the hardest case that I'm ever going to have. Why did this have to be my first case? Everything I was doing to prove that it wasn't me was failing, even DNA tests which blew my mind. My head snapped up when I heard a knock at the door to my office.

"You're father is here for your lunch break" One of my coworkers said and left. I sighed. Maybe if I rant to my dad then I'll get some ideas? I could only hope.

"Hey Dad" I said when I saw him waiting in the reception area.

"Hey" He said and hugged me. "How's your first day?"

"I'll explain at lunch" I gave him a tired smile, hoping to erase the worried look on his face.

At Lunch

"What a story" Dad said, thinking. "So you've had a pretty interesting day then?"

"To say the least" I felt a lot better not that I've finally eaten.

"It sounds to me like a clone to me" My dad shrugged and I thought about that. I was aware that there was some supernatural things in the world but I had never encountered anything, that I know of, until now.

"If it's a clone then someone has to make the clone and whoever made the clone probably killed him. That would solve the murder case and would probably be a lot easier to solve than if it was human and just unexplainable" I ranted.

"So did that help?" Dad asked.

"Dad you're a genius" I hopped up and gave him a hug. "Thanks"

The next day

I decided to take it easy the rest of the day and instead chase my new-found lead today. I started going through files of known witches, since those are the only creatures that can make clones. After I found those people I narrowed it down to witches who live in this area, I decided to interrogate the few witches that I found living in this area. Thank goodness there are only 3. I thought to myself as I made my way to the first house. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a woman, I could immediately tell she wasn't the killer. The second house was a lost cause as well. So that means that the last house has to be the one but that also means that there's a killer inside and it's dangerous. I had my dad wait outside and if he heard anything or if I signaled him to help me he could. I cautiously approached the house, in the middle of the woods, and knocked on the door lightly. As soon as I neared that door, I got sinister vibes. A tall man opened the door and smiled. He didn't have a normal smile, it made me sick. I'm positive this is the killer. I thought. He allowed me inside his house and closed the door behind me. I heard a click and knew he locked the door. He sat on his ratty, old couch and looked at me with a look that I didn't trust at all. I looked around his house and couldn't help but notice alarming stains on his carpet and broken objects scattered here and there.

"Did you make a clone of me and kill him?" I gulped looking back at him only to see him standing with his hands in his pockets. He raised a brow and smirked.

"Yes" He said bluntly and I paled.

"Why?" I asked hesitantly.

"It got you here didn't it?" I didn't dare break eye contact, in fear of what would happen if I did, but noticed something shiny being pulled out of his pocket slowly. I waited until he lunged for me and as soon as he did I made the signal to my dad and ran deeper into his house. I found, what seemed to be his bedroom and locked the door behind me. I backed away just in time because right after I did, there was a knife sticking through the wood of the door. He struggled to get it out but by the time he did I heard a loud bang and then silence.

"Timothy are you alright?" I heard Dad ask and opened the door to the the killer on the ground, unconscious.

"Yeah" I hugged him.

Looks like we found the killer.

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