Rough around the edges

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I used to wake up every day and wallow,

Suffer and bask in self pity,

I used to let everyone tell me how the world would break me,

Desert me,

Forget me,

And hurt me,

I used to walk with my head down,

Walking with no path,

Dreaming of no future,

My eyes held no light,

My heart carried no love,

My feet strolled with no guidance,

Things have changed since then,

I looked around me,

I became self aware,

I learned to forgive,

I now forgive myself,

My flaws and shortcomings,

My mistakes and weaknesses,

I realize the world can break me,

In fact,

It already has,

I am as broken as everyone else,

I embrace my cracks now,

They help light shine through me,

My eyes shine from the light within,

I have learned to walk with my head up

I am the owner of myself,

My dreams become ideas,

Which become plans,

Which become my reality

My heart has become drunk with love,

I love the world,

I love the way it breaks us,

Making us puzzle pieces,

Helping us fit with other broken people,

With the same unevenness,

Even if we are all a little rough around the edges.

POEMS AND EXCERPTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora