The sleepover!

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Kims pov

Jack, Jerry, Grace, Julie, and Kim were having a sleepover. They were bored and Jerry brought up a game.

"How about we play Scary Mary?" Jerry asked.

"Whats Scary Mary" we asked confused.

"You don't know about Scary Mary? Ill tell you so there was a lady that lived in a small house she was so beautiful one day she looked in the mirror and starting getting obsessed of looking in the mirror then a fire started she didn't notice until her face burned she died so what you do is you go in the bathroom and turn off all the lights but have a candle with you the is lit and you close your eyes and say "Scary Mary looking through, Scary Mary she sees you, Scary Mary looking through, Scary Mary shes got you" then you open your eyes and turn on the lights at the same time she wants your face" Jerry said.

"Wow cool!" Everyone said.

Then Ms.Crawford came in.

"Hey guys I'm going out so the boys you have to go sorry" she said

"Oh ok it was great here" Jack said.

Then the boys left.

"Lets do the Scary Mary thing!!" Grace and Julie said.

"Ok fine i will do it!!" I yelled

I lit a candle and went in the bathroom and turned all the lights off.

I closed my eyes and said "Scary Mary looking through Scary Mary she sees you Scary Mary looking through Scary Mary shes got you" i said.

"Guys it didn't work nothing happened!" I yelled.

I found them sleeping in the room ugh.

Before i went in bed my mom came in. "Oh and Kim do your chores tomorrow" she said

"Ok" i said and fell asleep.

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