o n e

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o n e - new beginnings and old memories

Running my hand along the bannister I knew I had to make my smile seem real once again. I took a deep breath and made my way down the stairs slowly. As I reached the kitchen doorway, I paused. Getting myself together.

"Good morning." I sang, walking through the door.

Uncle Jace smiled at me, "Good morning Rose, you seem happy today." He was boiling water in the kettle.

"Yeah, I guess it's because it's a nice morning," I told him, shrugging my shoulders. Reaching for the handle on the fridge, I opened it and grabbed an egg. I got the frying pan out of the cupboard and began making myself an omelette. Just like I do most mornings. It's the perks of having chickens.

My aunt Karen was next to stroll in, "Morning honey." She patted my back as she walked past, nodding at my choice of breakfast.

I smiled, glancing over my shoulder. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did actually. First time in a while." She sighed. I chose to ignore that. She turned to Jace. "Pass me the orange juice would you dear." It was more of a demand than a question.

Jace grabbed the orange juice and mockingly bowed his head. "Yes m'lady"

Karen lightly slapped him on the arm, "Give it here" I chuckled to myself. They're so childish. That's understandable though, after all, Jace is the younger sibling. He was always still a child in my dad's eyes.

After I finished making my omelette, I caught Jace staring at it with wanting eyes. I shot him a glare as if to say, 'hands off.'

He put his hands up in a surrender, mumbling "Sorry, sorry."

I got a plate out of the cupboard and took my omelette to the dining room where I began eating it.

Jace was next to wander in, with his cup of tea he had been making. I don't drink tea, but I'll have to admit, my Uncle Jace makes one hell of a cup of tea. In his other hand, he held a bowl of Cheerios.

He took his seat and pointed his spoon at me. "You got everything ready?"

I took a deep breath "For school?" He nodded, eating a spoonful of Cheerios.

"Yep," I told him.

He rolled his eyes as he had a sip of his tea, then made a face telling me that it was too hot. "No need to sound so excited."

I scoffed. "Really, what is there to be excited about?"

The subject was changed when Karen came stumbling, catching her balance on the cabinet to her left. She looked up at us and gave us the cheesiest smile I have ever seen. Jace and I looked at each other, both trying to hold back laughter. She rolled her eyes.

Karen made her way to her seat as I realised she didn't have any breakfast, only a glass of orange juice. She was looking at my omelette, well, the little slice of omelette I had left. I sighed, I know she isn't one to make her own breakfast.

I stood up, ready to walk out. She smiled at me and licked her lips as I slid the remains of my omelette in her direction.

"Thank-" She began, before I cut her off, holding my finger up.

"You are very welcome." It was my turn to give a cheesy smile. She chuckled.

I wandered out of the room but turned around just inside to see the happiness on my aunts face whilst stuffing my omelette into her mouth. And uncle Jace looking at her with amusement present in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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