The Craving and The crime

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  • Dedicated to jackie/my nana

Blood, the thing that i was craving more than anything was fresh, warm blood and it was the only thing i couldn't or wouldn't allow myself the pleasure of as it was against the pack laws and my personal beliefs. It had been a year since i drank human blood, it wasn't so hard to control the urge at first but as the weeks turned into months and months into years it became unbearable i just had to have it whether it was right or not.i regret my decision to this day but i cant change the past. Right at this moment i was being held in a interrogation cell  of the Chicago  police department on the terms that I Alexander Morrison had committed the murder of a Miss Stella Martins.

'This is not the time to be telling lies, we want the whole honest story and NOW!' The cop screamed in my face, the stench of whiskey on his breathe was nauseating i felt like i was going to throw up if he didnt move. There were three cops in the room, a big fella to the right of the the room stood quietly observing were as the other one to the left side of the room glanced up from his notepad every so often he seemed to be taking notes.

'well i will  tell you what i told the other officer but could i please have some space to breathe' i growled glaring at him, his face almost touching mine, he sighed and sat down on the metal chair opposite me motioning for me to start talking,i placed my arms on the table andi cleared my throat so i began my story.

' it was a crisp summer evening and i decided to take a stroll through the park when i came across a young woman about 5ft 7inches, long red hair and blue eyes,very slim looking and she seemed to be having trouble with finding her way around so i politely asked what was wrong and if she needed help' i took a sip of my water watching the cop as i did then carried on with my story 'she said she was lost and she simply asked for directions, but i went a step further and escorted her home as i was heading near there anyways. as we walked we started talking and i made her laugh a few times i was just trying to be nice. anyways we got back to her apartment and she invited me in so i accepted and walked in  ' of course i was lying,  i glanced up and caught the cop shaking his head in disapproval, he slapped his hand down on the desktop and stood up leaning over to me i sunk in my seat a little.

'were you aware of her age at the time this happened and did you take part in any unwanted activities?' he asked starring at me from inches away, i didn't reply.

'were you aware of her age at the time this happened and did you do anything tp harm her  Alex' he glared at me practically spitting the words out his mouth , i knew my strength and i knew that these handcuffs wouldn't hold me for much longer if he kept going on the way he was. i sighed and shook my head not bothering to look up at him because he would tell that i was lying.

'could i finish my story officer' i grumbled without looking at him, at that moment i could have just ripped the handcuffs off and tore his head from his body without thinking twice but i didn't want to get into more trouble than need be, my Alpha was already gonna kick my ass for rebelling earlier in the month and  i didn't need to be kicked out the pack as well.

'we sat on her sofa for a while just chatting about life in general until she started getting uncomfortably closer to me , i didn't mean for anything else to happen to her  but I'm telling you know i didn't kill her so you can just let me go" i lied then i looked at the officer who almost fell out his chair with shock.

'you killed her didn't you, what kind of sick monster are you?"he said brushing himself off and standing up. i shook my head and smirked.

" a vampire and werewolf hybrid to be exact..officer' i grinned shifting my eyes on to him.

"really, your a werewolf vamp thingy" he asked staring at me like i was a creature on show at the zoo.

no dude I'm a frickin fairy, dumb ass cop didn't even know i was a frickin supernatural creature for crying out loud i chuckled to myself, wriggling around in my seat i tried to get comfortable before starting my story again.

'could you please sit so i can finish the rest of my story' i groaned looking directly at the officer who calmly did as i said.  wait if mind compulsion works on him why don't i just tell him to let me go i face palmed myself and stared straight into his eyes.

"well officer its been nice chatting to you but i need to leave now, if you could just open the door for me and i will be on my way" i smiled and waited, he got out of his chair and went to the door he quickly turned around and started laughing.

"what are you laughing at?" i asked my face was pulled into a confused scowl.

"you've got to be kidding me, that little mind trick doesn't work on me" he chuckled and sat down again. idiot cop had me believing that my trick worked damn it, i growled and leaned back in my chair slowly sinking down then a idea hit me.

"could i go to the bathroom?" i asked starring at him my eyes pleading.

"fine, jeff take him to the bathroom and keep a eye on him" he looked at the tall muscular guy near the door.

i stood up and walked out the door he was following me close behind. when we were close to the front door i turned around and grabbing the nearest thing that was hard and sharp i started  smacking the cop  in the face then i took off, it was my only chance to escape hopefully the cover of nightfall would help me. bursting out the front doors i broke my handcuffs in half and skitted around a corner, i ran breathlessly forever it seemed like then  into the woods everything was a blur the sound of the sirens made my heart jump into my mouth turning my head slightly i looked over my shoulder and within seconds i was on the ground my face scratched up and dirty and my leg dripping with blood from the fall the pain struck my body like electricity. I knew what i needed to do. i howled and screamed as i changed form feeling every bone in your body break and reform wasnt very pleasent but soon i was on all fours and making my way through the forest to my pack that was until i heard the whiring sounds of sirens coming from infront of me i slide to a hault they were coming from the front and back they had me cornered i didnt know where to go, i was trapped...

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