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Camila should've known to throw it out, but she never was able to bring herself to do so. In hindsight, it had been months since she had last touched it, she forgot it was even there. She'd given up in her pursuit of her best friend, Lauren Jauregui. seven months into Lauren's relationship with Lucy Vives, she knew she should cease her silly little crush. The two were perfect together, there was no doubt in her mind they'd probably get married. Lauren would gush about Lucy to Camila all the time causing the brown eyed girl's heart to break slowly and painfully. Nonetheless, she always listened with a smile and gave her support.

The two were packing Camila's luggage for her two day trip to New York. Well, it was more like Lauren was packing Camila's luggage while the younger girl was sprawled out on her bed, ranting about missing a mere two days of school for a college related reason.

"I'm going to miss two whole days of school! Two! I'm going to be so behind! Maybe I should just cancel this visit, I don't even really want to go to NYU!" The young Cuban said exasperatedly. 

"Camz, calm down." The green eyed girl chuckled. "You'll be fine, I'll get all the notes for you and teach it to you when you get back. Plus, that's bullshit. You've always wanted to go to NYU. Don't cancel it."

"What if I have to go to truancy court for missing my classes? Oh my-" Camila realized, springing up from the bed.

"You're won't be truant. You have to miss like 400 classes to go to truancy court. You're only missing six, and you haven't even missed a class this year." The raven haired girl reassured.

The younger girl pouted "It'll mess up my perfect attendance!"

"Nobody cares about that, you dork." Lauren teased.

"Stupid college visits." The brown eyed girl mumbled into her pillow.

Lauren shook her head at her best friend's antics, rummaging through Camila's disorganized drawers in order to find some shirts.

"Hey, Camz where the fuck are all of your-" She began before she stumbled upon a small shoe box in her drawer. "Okay, I know you're messy as fuck but what is a shoe box doing in your drawer?"

Camila's eyes widened, "Oh, um, I don't know." She chuckled nervously, trying to snatch it from her best friend's hands.

The green eyed girl raised her eyebrows as she read "For Lauren" labeled on the box. She held the box out of the squirming other girl's reach. "What's this?" She asked.

"I-It's dumb." The brown haired girl stammered to think of a lie. "It's just a box of pictures of us, you know, memories with my best friend kind of thing?"

"Ooh!" The raven haired girl answered, moving out of the way, causing the younger girl to lose her balance and nearly fall over. "I wanna see." She plopped down on the bed and made a move to open the box.

Camila quickly recovered from, in her eyes, her 34000th near death experience and before Lauren could do anything else, she snatched it from her and shoved it back into her drawer.

"It's um." She nervously racked her brain to think of another lie. "It's a surprise for your birthday!"

Lauren didn't buy the lie one bit. "Camz, my birthday is six months away, never in your life have you ever gotten anyone a present that early and besides, I know when you're lying."

Before Camila could answer, Lauren's phone rang, the sound of Lucy's ringtone, Breaking Free from High School Musical, filled the room causing Lauren to break out in a smile. For the first time, Camila was glad to hear that ringtone.

Camila tuned out their conversation, distracting herself by deciding to continue packing. She figured she might as well go visit NYU since it's too late now to cancel her flight and it was indeed her dream school. It also wasn't a bad thing that she'd be away from Lauren and Lucy's heavy make out sessions during lunch for two days.

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