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We see too much that nothing seems extraordinary. All the surprises become mundane. Simply put, we've grown numb, numb to all the pain, tragedies, fear, and unhappiness in the world. We've become selfish beings that keep complaining for more and more. Why can't I get that job? Why can't my hard work be recognized? Why is he allowed to get a promotion? How come that ugly girl is able to date a hotter guy? Why couldn't I have been born into a rich family? What's the point? Really.

I've noticed this trend where dark thoughts invade the mind and then we start tumbling down a set of broken, glass stairs. We plummet hard to the depths of despair and the green-eyed foe. In the murky swamps we try to stay afloat but the greed continues and the hole in our hearts grow bigger. We stop caring about others because we're the most important. It doesn't help that the news only likes to share the dark side of life. A shooting becomes like just another line on a page.

I've caught myself feeling that way when I'm reading the headlines. Oh, another earthquake, another accident, another attack . . . They all just seem like words to us that aren't directly affected. Then we choose to act like we care because we want to seem like our hearts are made of gold. What is this mask we put on? Is being polite necessary for the sake of our faces?

I don't understand. I don't get how we're sorry when we're not. I don't like lying. I really don't.

But then I find that often I've followed the crowd. You can't say what's offensive. You must remember to be careful with your words because people twist them easily. Then I wonder if I should just zip my mouth. Don't cause harm, Namjoon. Don't start unnecessary fires. Be a good boy now and smile.


I reject the ordinary. I reject what's expected when it shouldn't be required. Nonsensical rules are meant to be broken. Change is needed when there's inequality. They call me naïve. They say that I'm a hopeless dreamer. I beg to differ. There must be a dream for a plan to be launched. Visionaries have shaped the world with their so-called "dreams".

Real change starts in the mirror. I see change in myself and you? Will you change for a better world?

I have faith you will.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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