Needle and thread

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     "Please think about this-"
"It is not my thought to think about, it is fathers"

     Loki backed against the wall panicked. The cube cell suddenly felt even more small than before. The see through orange Asgardian cell walls had become solid so you couldn't look through them. It felt closed off, and right now that was the last thing Loki wanted. Actually the last thing he wanted wasn't that, it was his brother. He wanted nothing more than for him to leave the cell. He would gladly take the mind numbing loneliness over this. Thor walked towards him. He had a dark sorrowful look in his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed. He did not want to do this.

"M-maybe we can arrange something? Tell father that this is... completely and utterly BARBARIC AND CRUEL. IT IS."
Thor shakes his head, "you've been nothing but cruel"
He felt his body begin to shake with fear
"You don't have to do this"
"Yes I do"
"Why you?! You've defied father before! Why can you not right now?!"
"This is for the best..."

     Loki couldn't believe it. He didn't even want to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation, he wished he could just pull a prank or mouth off like he always does but he is much to scared to right now.
     Thor, who claims to love him so, is walking towards him with a needle and thread.

He's going to sew my mouth shut!

Loki thinks in disbelief. He shakes his head
"Thor. Brother. No. Don't get near me"

"Forgive me."

Suddenly Loki gets kicked in the shin, he falls to his knees and Thor follows quickly, shoving him uncomfortably against the wall, his strong hand over Loki's mouth so that all he can see are Loki's large eyes constricted with fear.
The guards had come in before Thor arrived to shackle up Loki's hands behind his back. He should've sensed something dire then... but he never thought anything could be this... MORBID.

Loki struggles, jerking around, visibly panicking. Thor now grasps his jaw, a hand raising with the threaded needle. It has the most miserable shine to its point.
"No.. NO!" Loki screams, thrashing around for dear life
"Please stop- I don't want to do this either"
Thor pleads and Loki looks at him with absolute shock and fear
He try's to pry his head away from the deathly grip on his jaw but Thor keeps him still there. The needle and white thread approaches
Loki's eyes widening in fear, and suddenly with the needle so close he freezes in fear. Someone could mistake him for dead if he wasn't so tensed with such a terror stricken face.
The needle prods his lip, obvious hesitation is felt on Thor's side as Loki's eyes widen, glued on Thor and his conflicted look. But he goes through with it anyway.

Tears spill.
They run down Loki's face as a bead of blood forms on the puncture in his lower lip on the far left. He looks completely and utterly shocked that he actually did it. And he's continuing.

A choked heave and cry escape Loki as the thread pulls through. It was so painful. The thin textured string traveling through a wound on his lip. Just large enough to let the thread through but just small enough to make it tug his lip whichever way the needle and thread was pulled. Loki's body twitches in the shock of the situation. His eyes never leaving Thor's as Thor began to puncture onto his top lip. Once again the needle pulled through

Once white thread was now red.

"Ah-ck- sto-p-"
"I'm so sorry, brother."

     Thor looked beyond distressed and ashamed and DEVASTATED. He was doing this to his beloved little brother. He was an awful excuse of a brother. Tears prick his eyes, threatening to fall as he leaned his forehead against Loki. Stopping his sewing to breath for a second

"You don't deserve this."
"It hurts"
"I know. Im so sorry... I don't expect forgiveness from you ever again"

Then he backed away to continue sewing his mouth shut. Down through his lower lip, up through his upper lip. Loki clenched his teeth, Thor stabbing his gums here and there, making blood smear across his white teeth and more blood trickled down his chin. The thread was now unmistakably red.
Loki's eyebrows pinched upwards as he finally closed his eyes. It stung. That was the first time he allowed his eyes to shut since this started.

Thor has stitched to the middle of his mouth now. It hurt so bad. It was disgustingly swollen and red. His salty tears mixed with his blood on his lips.
Oh how it hurt. It hurt so bad. The skin tugged along with the thread.
He went to scream at him to stop, but moving his mouth made it hurt more. He was afraid he might even choke on his own blood

No one ever really acknowledges the texture to small strings of thread till it is traveling reluctantly through their lips.

Loki has gone still. Not even fighting anymore. Just accepting the pain. It was horrid. Yet he lay limp.
Thor has streaming tears as he finished the job of sewing his brothers mouth shut. Finishing the job on the far right of his mouth.
He cut the thread with his teeth as if teasing Loki that he could never even open his mouth again. The knot was tied at the end of the threat and Loki's mouth was officially shut.

The mind numbing silence shared between the two was the worst pain yet. Thor pulled Loki into a hug, and Loki did not move or have any reaction, he suddenly looked very empty. Eyes no longer wide and fixated on Thor, but staring in one spot and not moving. He has a red puffiness to his eyes from crying and also dark circles to 'compliment' them. Small bags.

Loki had never looked so dead before even after faking death multiple times. And they both knew his heart was beating.

Thor brought out alcohol and began to clean the bloody mess up with a rag. No words being shed. Just silence.

But what would Thor say?

Loki will never be able to say anything ever again

He'll suffer
He won't use his silver tongue
He won't mouth off
He won't drink
He won't eat

He's going to die

He is as good as dead

And Thor killed him

For Asgard

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