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I never bothered with the whole dating thing seemed like a waste of my time I am a busy woman after all. I have no idea why but from high school up to my adult years men would always throw themselves at me I'm not saying this to brag or anything I just find it agonizingly annoying. I've been told off, cussed out, and man handled so many times because I've hurt these fragile creatures ego, simply because they can't take a "no" or "I'm not interested" as an answer. So even more so now dating was just never my thing but then I met him.

He hit me like a whirlwind it's crazy really, how much he changed my perspective of the world his was always colorful and imaginative as to mine it was black and white. Everyday felt like a challenge with him like'd he'd give me a lecture or just rant about nonsense for hours but oh man when I hear him speak I go on an adventure of wonderment. His voice so deep and smooth his words even when spewing nonsense they're meticulously put together at times he stops mid sentence just to give me a warm hearted smile and kiss. But sometimes those  cute kisses turn into something forbidden pleasure mixed with pain hands in places where they shouldn't be lips on lips and his tongue devouring me like a thanksgiving feast. Who knew his soft personality so cute and playful can turn so dark and sinister.

He makes me feel unspeakable things just his name sends me flying, is this a deep fondness or am I in love? For the first time in a long time a man has infiltrated my fortress of comfort he made my life do a complete 180 for the first time in a long time— I'm whipped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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