on the 32nd of never happening

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So...... Long story short....I get bored at times.....sorry if I don't update quickly..... This bby girl here is a very busy one........

I ran and ran not looking back once. I looked around whilst thinking of my next plan on how to escape. You could hear my footsteps each time my feet made contact with the cold, hard floor. My vision was blurry as it was at that time that the heavens decided to pour out its many droplets and fill the earth. I turned and saw an alley which led to a road. Just as I was about to cross to the other side and find my parents or annoying sister, a pair of cold hands found its way to the little of my back and gripped tightly. Just then.....I remembered, no one ever runs from the devil....

                  ***     ***      ***

It's yet another wonderful day at the Evans'. The sun is out , birds are chirping noisily and the sound of juju music blasting through radios and..................
"Radar Jay Evans....". " Not again " Radar murmured to herself. "How many times have I warned you not to use my part of the bathroom" Roxy screamed through her lungs. "Dear Roxy....how many times have I told you I don't care, besides last time I checked, the bathroom had no owner and...." Radar continued until well, you know Roxy interrupted " You better check again" she said rolling her eyes. "Yeah, maybe I will on the 32nd of never happening and go get a life dolly" Radar said leaving her behind. Just then "owww....." Radar cried. Roxy had managed to drag Radar's auburn hair. Radar shouted for help as she tried to hold on to her towel ( which was on the edge of getting loose)
"Listen you bitch, don't try to get all smart with me you're still a freak" Roxy screamed into radar's ear. "At least I'm  smart you're just a dumb barbie doll" radar retaliated
"Yea, a barbie doll who wasn't adopted *" Roxy said back
With that being said radar was pushed to the ground as a lone tear found its way on her face

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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