Huge But Cracking Adventure Part 1

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It's been over 25 years since the big fiasco caused by Mitch Connor and the citizens of South Park are no longer tainted with cat urine.

The Original Freedom Pals have stored away their costumes as crime is now gone from the town, leaving only petty squabbles. That isn't to say all is peaceful of course... having proved himself capable of making The Former New Kid now called Richie time-fart by means of force, a punch to the stomach, Eric Cartman is currently under strict watch by the Former Freedom Pals. He is to be kept at least three feet away from Richie Agosto to prevent the chance of it happening again despite his constant claims it was Mitch and not him.

And this is where we find their kids today

Aidan, Levy, Derick, Kendall and The New Kid's child, Ramona Agosto (mostly known as 'Mona' for short) stand waiting at the bus stop for school. Levy is reading a book to prepare for a quiz, Kendall is using a stick to draw a penis in the snow and Sam is staring at his iphone. Derick seems more interested in a squirrel sitting on a branch across the road. They both seem to be locked in some form of staring competition... this happens on a daily basis now and Levy is convinced Derick was most likely a Bulldog in a previous life and a fat one at that.

Mona had her eyes closed and she seems to be pretty tired, perhaps even asleep standing up. Her parents had taken her to visit her grandma and arrived home in the early morning which had evidently taken its toll.

"Do you think there's going to be another break in?" Aidan suddenly piped up, still scrolling through his phone.

Levy blinked and eyed Aidan. "What do you mean?"

"There was a break-in at the Photo-Dojo last night. That's three shops and a house so far" replied Aidan.

"Oh... wait, someone broke into Photo-Dojo?" Levy seemed miffed by the news which made sense as he rarely watched TV anymore.

"Yeah, they took all of the cameras" Kendall answered in his usual muffled voice.

Sam showed Levy his phone, the image displayed the lens-window of the store completely smashed in.

"Oh geeze dude, there really is a burglar! Do you think this is..." he paused to glance around for a moment before continuing albeit in a hushed tone "Do you think this is a job for... for the New Freedom Pals?"

"I don't know... we've never really dealt with plain old thieves before." Aidan resumed scrolling through his phone. "Besides, I don't think I want to risk... you know." He gave a look at Derick who was still staring at the squirrel.

"I swear you guys this squirrel... I don't think it's real." He finally spoke.

"It's probably just terrified of you fatass, quit staring at it," Levy mumbled, turning his attention back to his book.

Finally, the bus arrived to take them to school though Mona failed to wake up as the others boarded the bus and it began to pull away leaving him at the bus stop.

"WAIT! STOP THE BUS!" Levy yelled, the bus pulling to a halt once more as he ran back down the aisle and jumped off. With haste, he picked up some snow and formed a snowball before hurtling it at Mona to wake him up. "You're gonna miss the bus!"

Derick scoffed. "What the hell Levy, you should have left him there!" he blinked as Mona and Levy boarded the bus, the vehicle began to move once more as they took their seats. Levy sitting next to Sam and Mona sitting a few seats behind.

"Everything okay?" Aidan questioned.

Levy gave a quick look back, Mona was sitting in his seat looking out the window. "Yeah... I had to make sure he got on."

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