Sick Day

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"Come on, Vixy! Get off the bed already!" Catrina groaned, tugging at the sheets again in attempt to get the creature lying on top of them to move. The Delphox didn't budge, watching her through narrowed eyes. She gave an indignant yap, keeping her chin resting against her paws.

"Vixy, I have to make the bed! We've gotta go!" Catrina said again, trying to keep her irritated composure as she fought the urge to laugh at her partner's stubbornness. Vixy yapped again, curtly turning her head away from Catrina. Catrina tugged on the sheets harshly enough to make Vixy roll over, but immediately regretted it when she began to feel dizzy. Catrina let go, raising a hand to her warm forehead with a sigh.

"Vixy, we're gonna be late..." Catrina whined. Vixy just snorted in response, laying back down against the sheets; which were even messier than before.

Catrina crossed her arms, pouting right back at the Delphox. She thought. She could try bribing Vixy with food, but she didn't want that to become a habit. She could probably pick Vixy up easily...if she didn't writhe and squirm. Considering her current stance on Catrina getting ready for the day, that wouldn't go well. Catrina supposed she could leave the bed as it was; she didn't like to leave the blankets partially on the floor, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. The trick would be if she could get Vixy off of it.

"What do you want from me?" Catrina heaved another sigh. She grabbed the sheets again, pulling at them with less strength than she normally had. "Vixy, we're the Champions! We have a job to do! So get. Up!" Vixy gripped back onto the sheets, glaring right at Catrina for several moments.

You're sick! The voice that entered Catrina's mind caught her by surprise. She blinked, nearly letting go of the sheets as she looked at Vixy. The Delphox didn't use telepathy often; it took a lot of focus and concentration. So using it meant she was being serious. Or sassy.

"I'm not sick, Vix," Catrina scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. "I just...haven't eaten yet, that's all. If you move, I can get some food on the way to the league." There was another pause while Vixy concentrated.

You aren't going anywhere except back to bed! Vixy retorted. She raised a paw, patting at Catrina's spot. I even kept it warm for you, see?

"I can't just lay in bed all day! I'll lose my mind!" Catrina argued. "And I can't call in sick so last minute. Everyone else will be pissed."

Fine! Health comes first! Vixy shot back. She rested her chin on her paws again, making it clear she wasn't moving. Catrina let out a low groan again. Vixy copied it mockingly, smirking when Catrina shot her a look.

"Using my own quotes against me now, are you?" Catrina muttered. She gazed out the window, breathing out through her nose. She had to look down, eyes starting to ache just at the dim morning light.

She had to admit, she didn't feel great. At all. Her head and her stomach ached; she felt weaker than usual, too. On a normal day, she'd have much less of a struggle fighting Vixy off the bed.

Still, she was sure she could push through.

Catrina stepped towards her door, poking her head out. Vixy pricked her ears, watching her trainer in confusion.

"SHYLA! COULD YOU COME HERE PLEASE?" Catrina coughed after shouting, clearing her throat. Even her voice had grown raspy and weak, an irritating tickle settling in the back of her throat. Vixy tipped her head out and let out a high-pitched howl as well.

"Oh, what are you doing now?" Catrina grumbled. Vixy tipped her head, giving her an innocent look.

You called for me? The soft voice that entered Catrina's mind made her turn back to the doorway, where a Gardevoir was standing. She eyed her trainer carefully, taking in her appearance.

"Can you help me get snippy off the bed?" Catrina pointed at Vixy with a thumb. Vixy yapped, saying something else to Shyla. "I'm not sick!" Catrina cut in, making the educated guess on what Vixy was saying. Shyla blinked, glancing between Vixy and Catrina. The Gardevoir sighed, shaking her head.

Catrina. You are sick. I can tell only by looking at you. Shyla replied. Catrina rolled her eyes.

"I'm not that sick," she huffed, "We're running late! We have to get going, you guys."

Before she could receive a response, rapid pawsteps came from down the hall. A Vaporeon skirted around to the doorway, poking his head in curiously. Vixy barked at him, tail patting the bed. Without hesitation, Splash ran over, leaping onto the bed and tunneling into the covers.

"Splash, no-! Oh, come on, you guys!" Catrina threw an arm out in exasperation. Vixy barked back at her. Catrina felt a light nudge on her shoulder, and she glanced back at the Gardevoir.

We do not want your condition to get worse. Shyla's eyes were full of concern, and she nodded towards the bed. Vixy is right. You have to rest.

"But the league..." Catrina protested.

Rest. Shyla's tone turned a little more firm, but the gentleness remained. Catrina heaved another loud sigh. Vixy watched her from the bed, and Splash poked his head out of the cocoon of blankets he'd burrowed himself into. All eyes were on their trainer, patiently waiting. Catrina snorted.

They weren't going to give up on this. Catrina had raised them too well.

"Fine..." Catrina gave in. As if her body agreed with her, her sore muscles began to relax. "Just this once. But can I at least make breakfast for you guys?"

At the mention of food, Splash lifted his head. He scrambled to try to get out, but found himself struggling against the blankets. Vixy jumped to her paws, hopping off. As the weight lifted, Splash's thrashing flung himself and the blankets off the bed entirely. Vixy ran past him, bounding out the door and stopping to make sure Catrina was coming, tail wagging. Splash tore out of the blankets and ran after the Delphox, not waiting to turn the corner and run to the stairs.

Catrina looked down at the mess of blankets splayed across the floor. She exchanged a glance with Shyla, who covered her mouth as she laughed. Catrina smiled, rolling her eyes. With a light shake of her head, Catrina turned and slowly followed Shyla out the door.

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