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A place closest to heaven. Except the fact that your eyes are gonna burn down and die due to the crappiness of my graphics.

Hey babies, I'm back! Yeshh, and this time, I'm actually doing something I wanna do from the bottom of my bruised heart.



[   ] ON HOLD

[   ] CLOSED

I love how I'm trying to be funny but the only ones laughing is me and my dog.

Neways, lez get to the part we all hate. Laying down the rules and regulations.


BE PATIENT; imma get this straight. I'm a person who breathes, I have a schedule & plenty of other crap to do. Thats all I can say.

BE POLITE; if you're gonna be a bitch and expect me to take out hours from my life to do your work. Then. Sit down. Be humble ;)

FILL MY FORM; boo, you gonna come to my trailer shop and make up your own form? Why don't you make up your own trailer too? Ugh, you guys.

USE THE TRAILER; no baby no, you're not gonna make me work hours and then be like "Nina Dobrev has large nostrils in this one, I won't use it". Boo, use it for 2 weeks, at least.

PUBLISHED BOOK; don't take this rule for granted. I may make a few exceptions if you ensure me about your book. But if lie, you're gonna get into more than just "trouble".

YOUR PASSOWRD; your password is "Donald Trump is a racist pig with bleached hair and baby hands, no shade, I love America"

That's all! Lavya babies!

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