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"Fate brought us here." He said in a low and mysterious tone, as he held the small and delicate hand of his lover. "I have known you so long, so many years, so many days, so many weeks, so many hours, and here we are." Goku Black looked away, proud for what he had said but embarrassed at saying it. Zamasu's face gently reddened as the atmosphere grew warm and fuzzy around them both. They avoided each other's gaze for hours, it seemed, until Zamasu looked over and asked, "But what has come of it? Beauty, or grace? Or is it; lust?" The green kai was honest as he could be, he wanted to know, and be at rest, with his lover's opinions of the fruits of their relationship. "All of it. All of those have come of our relationship, and how wonderful it is. How wonderful it is that I get to spend all of my days with you. How wonderful it is that I get to show you my true self, and to no one else. How truly lovely." Goku Black's speak was always poetic, using words that blended together so satisfying, words that melted off of his tongue like caramel dripping from an artisan chocolate, like dew slowly making its way to the end of a leaf. Oh, how Zamasu loved that about him. Black never bat an eyelash at the words from his mouth, for he was so used to the words melting off that he had no interest in them anymore.
The night was slowly darkening and darkening,  until the stars shown in the night as bright as the sparkle in Black's eyes. It was a very romantic atmosphere indeed, but it triggered no emotion besides that that describes a warm and fuzzy feeling you receive at the sight of a happy puppy or that of a warm night at the beach. The night was knowing of all, it knew what it was doing, as it sent a gentle breeze their way.
Zamasu looked over and Black as the air chilled his green and lanky body. His sweater was thin and oversized, it could not block the cool night air. "May I borrow your overshirt, Black?" He said in an innocent and unknowing tone. "Why, has the chill gotten to you, honestly, or do you only wish to see my exposed muscles under that of my undershirt?" The faux Saiyan said in an alluring tone, he knew what he was doing with the circumstances. Alone, at night, walking down a lonely and abandoned sidewalk, as the town they went through had either settled in or was comepletely abandoned. They did not care, though, if it was abandoned or not, because it was very late and if anything "sensual" were to happen, it was under the darkness of the night as well as shattered streetlights from the dilapidated state of the town. "I am cold indeed, but I'm not going to deny wanting to see your muscles, because that would be a lie. And lies are but another sinful concept of the mortals who dirty this beautiful land."
Goku Black handed the faded grey overshirt to him, Zamasu took it from him and put it on over the thin sweater. Zamasu's hair still blew in the breeze, though, and there was not anything he could do about that. It was as if Lofi-Hip hop was playing in the background, or saxophone, he could not tell which, but it was such a romantic setting that he could not tell if it was real or a figment of his imagination. But one thing he did know is that it set the mood for several different... situations. They could both be very seductive, but Goku Black, with the aid of the atmosphere, was much, much more seductive than Zamasu. He was alright with it, because it was nice to lose control at times. Especially concerning his lover, because Zamasu always wore the pants in their relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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