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Inayaki sat in the living room to her parents mansion, on the second floor. She lie down on the velveteen couch and states up at the black ceiling. Long windows lined the far wall, blood red curtains drawn back to let the moonlight in.

She sighed, with a sad thought. She was only 25, yet she was already pregnant with the son of her fiancé. She had already decided names, for a girl and boy. Namori, if it was a boy, and Itari if it was a girl. The trip to the doctor she had earlier that evening showed that it was a boy.

They had only been together a year, after her older sister Shizuka Hio had run away. She hadn't even wanted to be with him, but her parents forced her to, as an 'offering of their apologies and appreciation'.

She sat up, enraged.

'How dare they?!' She thought, swinging her fist into the armrest. 'They just GAVE me to him as if I were something to be sold at a market! A woman's virginity is only taken when she wants it to be, not when her parents see fit!' Before she knew it, the windows shattered and her parents rushed in.

"What's going on?!" Boomed her father's loud voice. She remained on the couch, looking straightforward, refusing to look at them. Her mother could see the rage in her daughter's eyes as she rushed over taking her by the shoulders.

"Ina, Ina, are you alright?" She worried, fixing her hair.

"No." Inayaki replied, pushing her mother's hand away fro, her as she stared in shock.

"What's the matter dear?" She asked.

"Do you really want to know the answer to that." Inayaki said smoothly, flipping her hair behind her shoulders. She watched as her parents nodded, and the raging oceans in her lilac coloured eyes spilled over, streaming down her cheeks as she met their eyes with a quiet dignity.

"What's wrong is that..." Her parents breath caught in their throat as they awaited her answer with anticipation.

"You're here." She snapped. She watched as their eyes portrayed their heartbreak.

"Ina we're only trying to--"

"Don't you dare say that." She hissed, her voice could barley emerge in something more than a whisper."Don't. You. DARE." She repeated, as her father looked at her dumbfounded. She stood up and slammed one of the wedge heels she was wearing, onto the hardwood below her.

"If you were actually trying to help me, you would care about my opinions, yet you shush me everytime you speak. It's unfair if you ask me, and I know you won't so I'll say it anyways. I may sound like a child right now but that's all that you've ever treated me like, and if Shizuka were here right now she would agree. Don't tell me to grow up and act my age because, quite frankly, I don't know how, thanks to you. Now good. Day." She stormed out of the room and down the hall towards her own room, brushing past Rido as he stopped in the middle of the hallway.
He watched her go with a glimmer of admiration as she kept her small rebellions up. Her room door, painted a metallic red, slammed closed, the sound of polished mahogany meeting ceramic tiles. He heard some of them break where the door hit, and they crumbled to bits.
Her parents emerged from the living room with mourning looks on their faces. Lady Hio wiped tears from her cheeks with a small napkin. He gave them an apathetic look.

"What happened." He said it more as a demand instead of a question. They straightened up, surprised and started, and bowed low.

"M-my lord." Lord Hio's voice was rough and gravely.

"She is emotionally unstable, due to horomones probably, but she'll be fine." Her mother said, and looked up hopefully as a door opened. It was Inayaki's door, but she wasn't coming out to apologize.

"Do you really think that I am acting this way due to pregnancy hormones? Are you oblivious? Am I not allowed to be ENRAGED every once in a while? I am well above my boiling point now that you mention it. Do not talk to me until I cool off." And with that, she walked back to her room, and slammed the door.
Her parents opened their mouths to say something but shw stopped them as Rido watched intently.

"Don't. Bye now." She 'hmphed' before walking back to her room, shutting the door quietly. Rido knocked on her door, and almost immediately heard a click. Locked.

'Stay out. Demon. You are not allowed in my room amy longer than one minute so don't bother to bide your time with me.' She thought angrily.' I already had someone with whom I held dear and nearest to my heart, but they took him away from me.'

Booyah! Who does she hold dearest?(<---no srsly I can never figure it out) Why is she so rebellious? That answer is actually in the story sorry! Well, bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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