My beautiful life

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 It started as any other day in the orphanage. Wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed then line up downstairs for the first collection of adopters. As per usual, I sit in the back corner on the couch listening to music, napping, reading, or watching something on youtube. I used to be a big extrovert but that changed as soon as my parents died. I will always regret our last goodbyes. They used to say to me that every goodbye could be my last for either end of the spectrum. Me, being me, never took them seriously enough and then they had to die. I just brushed it off as them going Christmas shopping, but to the others on the road, that was not the case. Since I thought that they were going Christmas shopping, I just said by thinking that they would return later. Like I said, the people of the road didn't agree with that.

I am Katherine and I am 15 years old, an orphan, and have no parents after a horrible car accident last year with a drunk driver. I have been in the orphanage for 9 months and it has been awful. Not many people want to adopt someone who will be out of the house soon. It is all the kids under 10 that get adopted. Granted, I am not the only one over 10, but I tend not to attract any attention anymore. People want someone who is happy and not depressed. "Today was going to be different. You're going to get out of bed and be positive, and someone amazing is going to adopt you" is what I tell myself every day. Of course, there is always online adoption, for the people who do not live close enough to visit so I get my hopes up with that, they just never scroll to the last page. It's always the little kids. No one else. Boy was I wrong.

After our line up in the morning, I went back to my room as per usual. The only thing that was different when I got back to my room was that there was a purple paper on my bed. In the orphanage, instead of telling you straight up that you go adopted, they leave a purple paper on your bed while you aren't in the room. I was happy, as well as nervous. Who could have adopted me after all? Well, as I soon found out when I ran downstairs with the paper, is that I was adopted by a CEO from Korea and that the reason why I had been here so long was that because it was an international adoption, it took longer than usual. So, the people at the orphanage kept telling people that I was off limits. This couldn't have made me happier. I was going to leave at the end of the month and then my new life would begin. 

So, I know this was short, but bear with me. I am not using my computer to write this so it is going to happen slowly. Hope you like it. It is taking up my brain rn. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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