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Wuss the deaall with yall so i dont think there is a story of shoreline mafia and especially my man geesy so im like why not fuckin make one. Enjoy diz shiit

I woke up to the sound of J'yaden crying.
"Momma is coming" i yelled while groaning throwing the blankets off me
I walked to his room and seen him standing up and crying. I grabbed him and sat him down in a high chair and made him a bottle. He continued to cry even when i gave him the bottle. I picked him up and looked at his diaper
"Great" i whispered
He pooped and peed
I took him back into his room and decided to just let him shower with me
I took out his clothes and a freshly new diaper and went to go shower
I grabbed the speaker and played shoreline mafia "break a bitch bacc"
I showered up and cleaned up J'yden.
We got dressed and i went to his play room to grab toys to get him distracted while I got ready for this interview I have.
I sat at my vanity reminiscing and looking at our baby
I sighed and continued to get ready.

Short but whatever hope you guys enjoy this story foreal foreal ima try to update hella

Our Baby Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin