Chapter 1

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Hey guys ! Tis is my very FIRST fanficttion so please dont be rude . I would appreciate it if you guys support my writting<3. DOES ANYONE WANT TO BE IN THIS FANFIC ??!! IF YOU DO MESSAGE/ COMMENT YOUR NAME , AGE , HEIGHT, EYE COLOR , HAIR COLOR, AND FAVORITE CELEBRITY IT DOESNT MATTER IF HE OR SHE IS IN THE TEEN WOLF CAST OR NOT . share this with your friends . Byee

LooVee ,

A. Lydia Garcia Mwuah ;*



***Lizzy's POV*** A little bit of my life


Hey ! My name is Lizzette or Lizzy Nelson . Im 19 years old . Im a 5'2, yea yea i know im short. I have medium size wavy brown hair. My eyes are a greenish color . Im Ian's Twin sister, he's about 8 minutes older than me. Ian is and actor . Demi Lovato is mines and Ian's step older sister.  The Teen Wolf cast and i are really close. I've worked as a Victoria Secret Angel and I've acted on tv shows like Pretty Little Liars and a couple of movies.I have my own makeup and clothing line called "Dare To Dream" or DTD for short. By now you're probably like "Wow you have a wonderfull life" yea i admit my life is wonderful but its really hard and exhausting at the same time . Every were i go theres paparazzi's following me 24/7 it does get really annoying sometimes . Like cant they just mind there own business . Having fans is super exciting but sometimes its really hard to try to talk to them or something. My fans can be a little bit of wild and sometimes annoying i admit but its just that i would REALLY LOVE some private time. Even though i have hard times with my fans i still love them soooooooo much<3 !! One of the hardests things that had ever happened to me was my parents getting divorced :c it was awfull for me and my brother but then we learned that it was the best now my dad is married to Dianna Hart , Demi's Mom, and i feel really happy for him . Ian, Demi, Mom, Dad, Dianna , and I all live together in one big house . The day me and Demi met each other ,which was the day my dad told us that he was getting married to Dianna , both me and Demi clicked right away . I love Demi sooo much and so does Ian . Demi is the best older sister . I have to admit that my mom and Demi's mom are like BFF's now . My Bstfriend Is Chachi Gonzalez, shes 100% true and loyal. It was really hard to find friends since were celebrities, and Chachi has been here for me true all my downs and ups were super close and we consider our selfs BFF's and Sisters. Chachi is the best, her hair is a strawberry color shes about my size maybe an inch taller , and shes an AMAZING dancer. Me and Chachi had been inseparable since we met at the age of 7 maybe during first or second grade. I love her sooooooo much and i know she loves me too no homo. Tyler Posey or Tye as we call him and i are super close . You can say he's my guy best friend well him and Dylan or Dill as we call him . I met Tye when i was 13 when his and my parents decided to meet up since they were really good friends back in high school . And Dill i can say that i met him because of Tye . There both sooooo sweet and funny i love them both to death no homo . Well thats just a bit of my life .

***Lizzy's POV*** 

'Baby You Light Up my World Like Nobody Else The Way That You Flip YourHair Gets Me Overwhelmed..' My phone alarm went on and i turned it off as soon as i heard it . UGHHHH its Monday why god why?! When i was up out of bed i went straight to the bathroom and showered. When i was done i threw a towel over my body and went over to my walk in closet . I stood up there for about 10 minutes just looking around. It was summer so i put on white ruffled short shorts with a cute design on the ruffles ,a dark blue sheer top, dark blue flats with a bow in the front, a long tan purse with a cute bow on it , and a silver long heart necklace and the hear earrings that came with the necklace. I did my usual makeup which was a dark blue colored eyeliner which is something new i wanted to try, some lip gloss, a bit of blush , and mascara. You decided to leave your wavy natural hair down. A couple of minutes later your phone rang telling you that you had a message. You opened your Blue iPhone 5c and went on your messages and the caller ID said 'Chachi c:' You saw the message she sent you . L=Lizzy    C= Chachi

C= GoodMorning

L= Goodmorning

C= what are your plans for today ?

L= Mmmm i still dont know ... i have work today .-. I HATE MONDAYS

C= Ohhh haha today i dont have to go to work we have 2 weeks of cuz of the dance battles starting soon ! Im super excited !!!! and EVERYONE HATES MONDAYS ! cx

L= luckky i have to go to the studio and finish Holland's and Crystal's Prom dresses for one of the episodes.

C=Ohh Do you mind if i come with you? Since i have nothing to do .

L= yea you can come along with me c: maybe we can do some shopping after im finished with the dresses since Jeff said that when i finish them i have the day off c: !!

C= Yay i've been whiling for some shopping.

L= lol ill text you when were on our way for you .

C= "We're" Who else is coming

L= Ian . he has to film one of his parts in an episode.

C= Ohh okay

L= Bye im going to get some breakfast

C= Kk see ya later bye

I ate a granola bar for breakfast . i watched spongebob for about 8 minutes when Ian came in the living room were i was at & turned the tv off and said "Goodmorning to my beautiful little sister " you looked up at him and smiled and said "Goodmorning and you're only older by 8 minutes" "so im still older any second and minute counts. Now come on lets go" "MOM , DAD, DIANNA , DEMI ME AND IAN ARE LEAVING TO THE STUDIO . LOVE YOU GUYS !! BYE" you screamed and they screamed a Bye back from there bedrooms. this was usual you would do this every morning when you were about to go to work. Today you were taking the car and Ian the passenger seat since he got in trouble by mom and dad for getting a ticket from the police cuz he was driving to fast. After about 5 min later you took a different turn to Chachis House and Ian said "Umm Lizzy wrong turn" "Umm Ian right turn" you mimicked saying right instead of wrong. He gave you a confused look and you sighed and said "Chachi is coming with us to the studio" "ohh okay" is all he said. When you got to her house You txted her telling her you were at her house

L= Im here come out

C=Okay ill be down in a couple of seconds


Right after you send the message she came out. She was wearing ripped washed high wasted short shorts with some black Spandex under the shorts, A cute blach tank top tucked inside her high waisted shorts , some black hign knee socks with her coral colored converse and a cute coral short sleeve blazer on top of her tank top.




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