Those Painful Words

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"Now class, I'd like all of you to settle down!" Mr. Simmons shouted to all of the 4th grade children of the P.S. 118 classroom. The end of the school day ensues, the kids were restless and rambunctious this Thursday afternoon, all in hopes of being released from class soon.

Helga sat silently at her desk in the back of the classroom, scribbling poems about love and her unrelenting desire to be with her destined companion, Arnold Shortman.

Back at home, life was absolute pandemonium with her family, and writing seemed to be her only escape from all of the neglect and abuse she faced at home. With Big Bob constantly and incessantly referring to Olga, her older sister, and chastising Helga for her shortcomings, Helga couldn't help but feel less than capable of accomplishing anything; except writing. When she wrote she felt more at home than she ever did with Bob and Miriam in the Pataki household. It was her only emotional outlet, whether those emotions be gleeful or melancholy or infuriated. And with a hell of a lot of emotions, Helga was always writing, mostly about her feelings. But this adamant and persistent hobby of hers, over time, continually became fine-tuned. Her literary capabilities were as sharp as her tongue. For a fourth grader, Helga G. Pataki's language skills were exceptional. Her love poems and sonnets were comparable to those of Olde English poets and writers. Although Helga possessed a magnificent talent in this literary art she was none the wiser of it, she simply just wrote...

Suddenly, Helga looked up from her poetry journal as the afternoon bell rang, signifying that school was out. The children of P.S. 118 rushed out into the main hall of the school building, giddy that school was over for the day.

Helga let out a soft sigh and shut her journal, holding the little pink diary firmly to her chest. Writing about the turmoil and hardship she experienced at home always set her in an uncomfortable and less than excitable mood. No temper... no threatening outbursts at Arnold or, her silent stalker, Brainy. Helga just remained silent and in wistful hope and longing that her life situation would improve.

Gathering her belongings minutes after the rush after the school bell, the blonde exited the room. With a slump in her step, she sauntered out of P.S. 118. Based on her body language, you'd think she was in a lesser emotional state, and you'd have thought correctly.

The little blonde Pataki started to walk home from school, she dreaded returning to the place, she loathed it. She made a mental note to write about how much she loathed her home and her family when she returned home from school.

"Helga, wait up!" She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a particular voice beckon to her from behind. She gave a glance backwards to witness her beloved, football headed Arnold.

'Criminy! What could this oblong face want with me?' She cursed inwardly, but responded calmly, "Yes, Arnoldo?"

"Heya, Helga..." he laughed nervously, expecting a more remorseful response from the typically hot-headed blonde. "You looked a bit down today, I was wondering if I could walk you home?" he said with a timid look on his face, yet still bearing a wide toothy smile.

'Oh, how I love those ravishing green pools, I could stare into them for the rest of my pitiful life and yet still die happily!' She swooned again inwardly at the thought of her senpai's eyes. Then spoke up after awkwardly staring at him dreamily.

"Uh... Thanks Arnold..." she mumbled faintly.

"What'd you say, Helga? Speak up." the football head stated sweetly.

"I said thanks football boy!"

She said with more agitation and brashness that neither the boy or herself had anticipated. She hadn't intended to lash out...

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