Chapter #1 Queen Bee

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Old Black Bear Road

One day in my annoying- boring-normal high school (sounds familiar, right)
There was a suicide..

Now that pretty much changed everything

I was only in high school, but I knew a lot about it. All it took, was a mysterious girl, a gun, and a broken heart. That's all it took to send one person to heaven. And, that is exactly where she went, to lead another life, a better life. Without bullies, hatred, and fake people. At least that, that is what everyone thought, everyone, except all of the people in my school. Itś not like they did not think that she went to heaven, they just thought that she, well, did not leave willingly. She was not that kind of person. She was strong, she had character, she was the people that actually cared, or in their mind they did. The people that knew the person. And all kinds of people started to research, all on different levels. At first I wasn't one of those people, but then, I was. My name is Tessa Brown, and I am 27 years old. Now, I report with the local news station, CBS. We report about lots of things, Natural disasters, crime, the president, mostly breaking news, but basically anything you could think of. I make it my duty to report anything that is supposed to be on. I do this because of what happened after the event. Because, one day when I was in high school, there was an event, it should have been on the news, but, the local news people said against it. So it never got there. I took it all in and never said anything, but something changed. Now, after all this time, I want to speak out. One event, it changed me, one look at someone. And, the thing is, that I am not the only person that has thought about this. To speak out, about this story. There are others, many, Searching, many haven't found much, except one person, and her name was Ally.

Chapter #1
Queen Bee

In high school, there are a lot of negatives, at least, if you are quite, shy, smart, not-popular. Which was me. I always got A+'s on like, everything. I wanted to be a reporter, which I am right now. But, my parents told me that if I wanted to be on the morning news, I had to work hard. So I did. That didn't really help me though in high school though. I was just the "Stupid nerd with a stupid dream". Unlike Ally, I was definitely NOT a queen bee. I was a well, let's just say a dead bee. Ally, was that girl that at first, when you all would meet in middle school, she would seem so confident and popular even though she had no friends. But, none of us did, so we would be like bees in a beehive, and just follow her. She was like the queen bee. She was very nice, and always treated her "fellow bees" with respect. Then she stopped. She was popular enough. Everyone was in groups already. Everyone, that is, except me. The thing was that there were A LOT of girls, so A LOT of people would follow her. So she became popular, pretty fast. I tried to become friends with her before it was to late. But little did I realize that, it was already too late. When I would try to say something, she would say things like,
"Eww, let's go.", Then she would flip her beautiful, perfectly wavy, blond hair and simply walk away. All the girls that weren't too late that followed her would walk behind her. They walked, like it was an honor to walk behind her. But, when you thought about it, it really wasn't. It was disgusting. People would get to class late, if that meant that they could walk with her to class. To her class. It was really sad to watch. Which is why I wanted to be higher than those girls, but it never worked. I don't even know why I thought that I would be able to do it. So, after a while I started to not care, I just focused on my studies, to become a reporter. With or without friends. Most people would say that, that wasn't a smart choice, but it was my choice. And I was lucky that at least I was not bullied by her, like some others. I was just ignored.I am lucky, because there were others, or one other. It was a mysterious girl. That girls name was Raven. Raven was not very weird, or that mysterious. She actually, was like a normal girl. I liked her. Others did too. She was confident, cool, nice. She was like a friend, even though nobody knew her. She was like a second Ally, at least, Ally at first, in middle school. Raven was like that, she was like a chance to retry, to have friends.It was nice, I knew that I was going to try again. Try again, to have friends. Or at least a friend. I was going to become friends, with someone.

Hey guys!! This is my second story!! It's A LOT longer than the first one. Now, there are more chapters coming along, but just saying.. the more the story progresses, the more deeper it becomes.
Hope you enjoy!!!

The inspired author🌟

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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