Superheroes Don't Wear Pink

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Sawyer Elise James has her entire life figured out. She's going to finish her senior year as valedictorian and then she's going to Stanford in the fall. After college she's going to start her own photography company and travel the world capturing its beauty with her camera. She doesn't concern herself with unnecessary distractions - like the new local "superhero" riding around on a Harley motorcycle and "kicking ass", or so Channel 9 News says. At least, she didn't concern herself with things like that. But then she finds herself face to face with "The New Catwoman" herself and just like that, Sawyer's life is turned upside down and everything she thought was certain becomes just a little bit hazy.

Harleigh Quinn is an all-state pitcher for her school's softball team by day and a bit of a superhero / vigilante at night. She kicks ass, if she does say so herself, and so when she saves another helpless girl from a "big, bad mugger with a big, bad gun" with a kiss as thanks, she doesn't think much of it. It's her trademark (well her second trademark - the first is the bike): save the guy (or girl, as it happened to be this time) and get a kiss. Seeing as she's bisexual, it doesn't bother her at all. She's never stopped to think that it might bother the other person, much less that it would completely change their life.

And when Sawyer confronts Harleigh at school and enlists her help in making sense of her suddenly crazy life, the two former strangers are in for an adventure full of awkward conversations, stolen kisses, and a hell of a lot of ass-kicking.

This is for both Elisa (gypseas)'s femininity challenge and Lydia (taygetsthegay)'s/ Jude (rigor_samsa)'s LGBT challenge.

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