The Crazed Teen

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Narrator: As Kyle watched the sky, the first thing that came into mind was how rough this day was going to be, especially since Marcy was going to be around him alot. She knew about the hideout, she knew about his loneliness in the Glade and now she was planning to tease about it soon. After all, everyone dislikes her 'yelling' attitude.
Kyle: *shrugs as I lay onto the tree branch I was on, resting my brown hair and gazing my blue eyes at the same colored sky just to clear my mind*
Narrator: Yesterday was rough because he hung out in the forest as usual, climbing up the trees and gazing out at the Glade during my alone time. And he climbed up there more than any other person just because it seemed fun to do rather than work in the Glade. Of course no one ever notices, since they don't usually come to the forest due to its scary sounds closest to the Maze and of its uselessness. But I he didn't care. It was the only place in the Glade where it made Kyle feel at home for some reason, despite the so-called comforting sleeping areas in The Hut.

Marcy: *suddenly finds Kyle laying high in a tree and shouts* Kyle. I know you're here. It's about time to eat. *nods* Yeah, that's right. I've been watching you. We're taking special attendance today and I was the one called to make sure everyone, including you, make it on time for an announcement. *voice softens* Also what the heck are you doing in a tree? Planning to fall off?

Kyle: *sighs, wishing not to be disturbed but still looking up at the sky* None of your business. And what kind of announcement?

Marcy: You'll see once you get your butt off the tree and onto a seat. *walks away and swatting away flies from red hair and freckled face*

Narrator: Reluctantly Kyle got up from the tree, wondering what could possibly be so important as to disturb him from his place. He jumped down from a high spot and splendidly kicked off the lower trunk of the tree and did a flip in midair. It was part of his unique skills he had in the Glade. After he landed he looked around him hopefully making sure Marcy didn't see what he did but she was already too far out the forest. Then he made way out of the forest. He didn't think he'd want to be in The Hut again. He so rarely went inside as compared to the other Gladers. It was basically almost the only building and the largest project the Youths ever constructed. (They called themselves Youths because almost all of them were between ages 13-15. About half a dozen of them were 16-18, who were mainly assistants to the leader of the Glade.) The Hut was a two story building a few hundred feet across that took us all alot of hard working months to build. It had good spacing in it. A main dining area on the second floor, a private spot next to the building near another small forest in the Glade for the bathrooms, a medical room, a weapons area, and a main hangout area on the first floor. It may not sound like much, but the place was built strong and durable and long lasting despite the harsh weather that occur sometimes outside within the Glade. Youths basically hangout there in their free time, but if an announcement was made, it's very rare and it of course means that something serious has happened. So Kyle walked inside, where it was partially filled with Youths in the Hangout section of the Hut. Upstairs in the Diner was where most of them were located. All eating on a bunch of tables lined up here and there. Kyle lined up behind a cluster of Youths waiting in line to grab a bite and sat down on a table separate from the others. Turns out he wasn't alone sitting there.

Kyle: *looks up and sees a chubby-faced kid staring towards me at my table* Uh, what do you want?

(kid): I don't know if it's any of my business, but I'd like to know why you like to hide in the trees. If you'd think nobody would've noticed by now out out the 10 months you've been here and be just a little bit curious where you wonder off to in the forest but don't have the guts to ask what're you up to, then you're wrong.

Kyle: Then you're right. It is none of your business.

(kid): Who knows if you're hiding something. Marcy over there knows about it, and a few others including me. For all she'll eventually know, you're up to something suspicious.

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