Andley-our rebel love

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Ashley's POV:

"Ashley where the fuck are you?"

"coming dad!" ugh what does he want now?

"why the hell are you wearing that much makeup, you shouldnt be wearing any at all be a man goddamnit.

"ugh what do you want dad?"

"don't you use that tone of voice with me!" all the sudden I felt dads huge fist hit the side of my head and next y and ran into his roomthing I knew I was on the ground.

"you wil treat me with respect!" Ashley's dad screamed.

"yes dad."

"now" Ashley's dad said " why is the laundry not done?"

"oh sorry I was busy making dinner I'll finish tonight."

"good! Now go finish dinner I'm starving." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack for my head.

"shit!" I ran over to the stove to see my pasta boiled over onto out stove. I ran over to the sink to grab a rag. "god I can't wait to get out of this fucking house."

"ASHLEY! What the fuck don't you know how to cook fricken pasta?!" Ashley's dad screamed while walking in the kitchen for a beer.

"I'm sorry dad I got d-distracted"

"there you go again with that fricken studder." Ashley's dad back handed Ashley across the face, he could feel the sudden ooz of blood from his nose.

"your such a pussy, nobody will ever love someone like you, your just a little nobody faggot. Now go clean this shit up and finish dinner!"

"yes sir" I made sure not to studder that time.

After Ashley finished dinner he said he wasn't hungry and ran up into his room. He ran into his closet and searched for his razor. "where the fuck are you" he screamed with tears running down his cheeks, his dads words hurt him more than his father could ever understand.

"finally!" he took the blade and ran into his bathroom. "one for being a fag, one for being a loser, one for not having friends, one for doing this to myself" he washed the blade off and put it in the bathroom cabinet. He turned on the shower and slowly got in, the water stinged. "ouch!" he screamed. After he dryer off and wrapped his arm in a bandage, he walked into his room and slipped on some long sleeved pjs.

He cried himself to sleep listening to KISS.

Andley-our rebel loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora