Oh gilbert

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We can all get a bit frustrated with our work colleagues. But most of the time we can avoid finding ourselves in an armed showdown, pointing pistols at each other like a John Wayne movie. Bit this is what happened in the Washington Wizards locker room in 2009.

Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittendon argued over a card game on a flight on Dec 19th. Arenas reportedly told Crittendon, "I play with guns," who which Crittendon replied, "Well I play with guns too."

Like a scene out of the musical Hamilton, Arenas arrived in the changing room two days later with four guns asking Crittendon to choose his weapon. "I've got one right here," Crittendon replied, before cocking and pointing his gun at Arenas. Thankfully no shots were fired, but the story would make national news. Arenas, who at the time was one of the league's biggest star saw his career decline rapidly, and Crittendon was sentenced to 23 years in prison for murder last year. Again, if there are any NBA players reading this, please don't play with guns.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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Gilbert Arenas And Javaris Crittenton Locker Room ShowdownWhere stories live. Discover now