Chapter 1: Forbidden

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A boy who was well known for his drawings, Virgil, and Roman, 2nd to the throne, they had a forbidden love. Roman couldn't date anyone who wasn't a royal, unless they could prove worthy. Virgil didn't have a problem with this part, but, there was another forbidden part, the two possessed different magic. For Virgil, it was water, and for Roman, it was fire. There were so many rules against different magic types dating, it was crazy. One of Virgil's best friends, Patton, he was an air  mage, while, the boy he loved, Logan, was a Earth mage. So, their love was also forbidden. It's not fair! Virgil thought to himself as he walked home from visiting Roman, I'd gladly prove myself worthy of dating Roman if it wasn't for this stupid no opposite mages dating rule. Virgil was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Patton call his name "You sneak out to go see Roman again?" Patton asked with small smirk "yeah..." Virgil responded. "You see Logan today?" Virgil asked, Patton blushed "unfortunately, no." "Why not? His house is only like 15 minutes away from yours." Virgil asked "My parents have been keeping me inside to help around the house, considering the new baby." Patton answered. His mom had just had a baby girl named Valerie. "Oh, yeah." Virgil said, remembering Patton's new sister. Patton checked his phone "It's 8pm, I should get home, see ya tomorrow, Verge!" Patton said as he walked home. "Bye, Patt." Virgil said as he walked to rest of the way home. Here's the thing about Virgil's parents, they knew about Virgil and Roman, and we're okay with it. For two reasons, they believed that you should date for love, not because Society told you to. And, his mother was an Earth mage, and his father was a water mage. When he got home, he leanded against the door. "How's it going with you and Roman?" His mom asked as she set the table for dinner "I'm getting tired of having to keep it secret just because of some stupid rules that were made centuries ago." Virgil said as he sat down "well, maybe you should invite him over this weekend" his mom suggested. "What if his dad finds out." Virgil muttered. "I'll back you up." His mom responded, he nodded. Tomorrow, he was going to ask Roman to come to his house for dinner, and pray Roman's dad wouldn't find out.

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