Forever - A Young Man's Race

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 It was a snug fit, at first, all those months ago when I first got to drive our family's new BMW 230i. I learned how to drive on a Toyota FJ Cruiser, a beast on asphalt and gravel roads, but the new coupe was a devil in its own league. Pedals of an automatic transmission reacted like needles prodding at the skin, tingling a newborn passion. Months later, and with the west-coast winter's deluge of snow long past, I had become more acquainted with this new mechanical extension of my body.

It was a Friday afternoon when I finally resolved to drive out for a trail run by one of the forested lakes north of my hometown. The weather was bitter, even the rain (which I normally liked) was a stale trend that threatened to bore away my uplifted weekend mood. I installed my music player into the BMW's phenomenal audio apparatus that put the old FJ to shame, and slipped through the deserted neighbourhood onto the highway.

I knew how to control this car; I knew how much I could push it, and myself. All of this is within my limits, limits that can grow with the sunlight of knowledge but are still grounded by safety. Safety protects our life, but by momentarily relinquishing it, we can truly experience what it means to live.

Finishing my run, I courageously set out to joyride north, found a U-turn point, and began to head back home. It was the first time my parents had let me drive the new blue Beemer alone, so I was passing people and jamming out to fast-paced eurobeat songs aged a couple decades. Music is my fuel for fun.

Forever ...

Together ...

The opening to one of my favourite songs in my age of fast driving: Forever Young by Symbol.

Time slowed, a grey Mercedes passed me in the left lane. I only heard the rain and our engines.

Come on baby light my fire ready for the show ...

He sped ahead, kicking up the downpour and triggered something within me.

Tonight I'll take you higher, if you love me to ...

The Merc and I battled in the left lane, passing a dull rainbow of vehicles to our right. We cruised out of the mix at a speed beyond anything legal.

All the time I need your shining smile ...

Side by side. Dancing. Blue and grey.

Tonight I'm really going to play you know

That life is just a game ...

I took the left, pressing the accelerator and steering around the bend, inertia squeezing my body into the seat's leather bolsters. A vicious line.

Forever young ...

I creeped past him.

We are born to run ...

The blue flame exploded past the grey Mercedes.

Forever love and fun ...

My car rushed ahead into the next bend, momentum forcing me into the right lane.

Until the morning sun ...

I pulled over the slight rise, gaining ground as the Mercedes backed out of my mirrors.

Forever ...

I exhaled.

The highway narrowed to a single, empty lane. I felt a soft shiver of relief as I slowed our pace slightly, and time slowed again. Once again, the sound of our engines was only permeated by a new verse.

Come on baby let your body bump into the groove

Shake your boogie feel the music, jumping like a fool ...

Fool, maybe.

I don't care, I'm so excited, now I feel so free

The lanes split and my lust for speed took over.

Paradise into your eyes so let it be ...

A flash from behind, the Mercedes was on fire.

You know that life is just a game ...

The grey bullet was alight with a silver aura, pulsing with indignation. Blue flames appeared around my car in response.

Tightening my grip on the steering wheel, I drifted to the left against the rightward curvature of the road. My sense were alive, communicating to the ground through the tires.

Forever ...

Together ...

I accelerated to the straightaway, claiming the courteous right lane.

Forever young we are born to run ...

Forever love and fun

Until the morning sun ...

The burning Mercedes passed me on the left.

Forever young ...

What power!

we are all for one ...

Pulling back, I kept his pace into the next bend.

Forever love and fun

Until the morning sun ...

Silver and blue streaked through the monsoon.

Forever ...

The song faded and the road diverged from two lanes to one. I wouldn't get the chance to pass him again before I had to exit.

I cursed to myself, but I was smiling. He had the better car, probably the better driver too.

We slowed as larger vehicles ahead of us dictated a humorously monotonous pace. It seemed to me that the Mercedes had returned to a dull grey, and my BMW's glowing sapphire aura dimed to its sparkling factory paints.

Some time later an intersection took me left towards the neighbourhood from this morning. Stopped at the red light in the adjacent lane, I passed by the halted Mercedes, reading the model name and build. Tinted windows and the weather guarded the driver's face, but I nodded his way in respectful salute. I doubt he noticed.

On that day I abandoned reason for educated recklessness. I will never forget the regret of putting my life in danger, but I would kill to retain the memories of applying my skills to race through rain and traffic. It was sensational, an experience that taught me the dangers of street racing and the thrill of applying technique to drive fast. An encounter like that could only happen once in a young man's life, and I pray it stays with me forever.

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