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I Awaken to see nothing, the darkness so thick I'm blinded by the overhanging trees. Or what I believe to be trees, I feel the leaves in my hair and rocks digging into my back. As I stand to take in more of my surroundings, I hear the loud thunderous howling of wolves.

I don't think, on instincts alone I start running, into the darkness, trees and branches hit my body covering me in scratches and bruises. But I keep running faster and faster desperate to get away from the howling which rings louder in my ears. And finally I see a clearing of Misty light from the moon overhead I feel hope feel me which is soon crushed by the pain of jaws dragging me back into the darkness. I can't close my eyes as I watch the acid green eyes of the alpha wolf stare at me ready to kill, my flesh hanging from his teeth.

I scream in consuming fear as he lunges for my face, and all I can do is watch. Then I am sinking into the ground the wolf in front of me was froze in time along with his pack which surrounds me. I hold my breath as my head starts to sink into the earth. I'm standing in an empty room completely bare of anything, I try to walk around to search for a way out but a glass case surrounds me I feel the gut clenching fear of being trapped fill me which soon is replaced in the wake of the water filling my transparent cage.

I desperately scramble for a possible opening but as my hysteria builds I start banging on the glass trying to break it destroyed my knuckles and bruising my hands. The water had reached my head, I took one last breath before it covered me. I held on for as long as I could, my lungs burned, I finally open my mouth screaming and creating a white foam of bubbles in my vision. Water enters my lungs choking me until I stop screaming and I gave way to the exhaustion and the darkness swallowed me.

I wake up in a bed gasping for air trying to rid myself of the water in my lungs. When I could breathe again I registered I was in a bed and I relax realizing it was just a nightmare. As I try to move, and I freeze, trapping me to the bed are thick leather restraints around my wrists, ankles, and waist. I pull against them trying to get free when I hear footsteps coming towards me. Through a door I didn't realize was there A man in pale blue scrubs enters with a cart, on it various syringes and scalpels. He pulls up a chair and sits next to my bed putting a clipboard in his lap, he starts asking me questions that don't register in my head after a while of me not answering he shakes his head and puts away his clipboard and grabs a syringe full of yellow liquid and injects it into my arm.

As he pulls away I start to struggle as I feel a familiar darkness close in on me, he calmly tightens the restraints as I scream at the top of my lungs, I start to forget what was going on what had just happened, then all of it floats away, but before the darkness settles in, as the man leaves I see his face change. He wears a pitch black hood with a gas mask covering the entirety of his face, dressed in a trenchcoat, gloves, and heavy boots then he's back to normal as the door closes behind him and I slip into darkness. I can't remember anything.

I awaken to see nothing, the darkness so thick, I'm blinded by the overhanging trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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