getting ready

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Presley woke up to her alarm goign of and the squib song blaring in her ear. "Oh god, formal is today" she says to herself while wipping the sleep out of her eyes.her mom walks in. "Get up, we need to get down to sephora cause your appointment is at like 10:00" She says while opening the curtains. Presley sighs while getting in the shower. "I wonder what it'll be like tonight. Probably crap. Like any other night." she thinks to herself. once she's done, she throws on a t-shirt with some black jeans and runs out the door. 

"So, are you excited for tonight?" Presley's mom asks breaking the silence in the car. "Sure am!" Presley replies sarcastically. Presley grabs the aux cord and plays some jazzy tunes to lighten the mood. Once they arrive at sephora, presley is immediately sat down. "So what type of look are you going for today?" The technician asks her while examining her face. "Well, my middle school formak is today, and my dress is like a burgundy color so-" She's cut off. "Oh! I know just the look for you! I'll be right back." after like 10 minuets, the girl comes back with baskets full of different shades of foundations and concealers. Without saying another word the girl gets right to work. after like an hour, she's finally done and turns presley around. Presley looks at herself. "Wow! Thankyou!" She says while hopping out of the big spinning chair. "No problem hon, come back anytime!" the girl says with her back turned, cleaning up all of the makeup. 

Presley and her mom leave sephora to look for some last minute jewlery and acessories that might be needed to complete presleys look. After about an hour of searching, they find nothing and give up and go home. it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon when they left the store and the dance started at 7 o'clock. When they got home, Prelseys mom plugged in the curling iron and the flat iron because she was also doing presley's friend chloe's hair and makeup. "Presley, text chloe and tell her to come over if she wants me to do her hair. " Her mom says taking our her makeup. "Okay." Presley replies as she's pulling out her phone. Over the next three hours, the three girls sat in the bathroom finishing getting ready until hair and makeup was finally done. Now, chloe left presleys house to go put on her dress,  and presley went upstairs to her room to put on her dress. Right as presley steps outside to get ready for pictures, Her best friend kaitlyn's car pulls up in her drive way. "Hey!!" kaitlyn yells as she's stepping out of her car. Kaitlyn has on a navy blue shimmery dress that stops at her mid thigh. Shes wearing silver sparkling heels with a high bun and her makeup done. "Hey!" Presley yells back. Presley is wearing a beautiful burgundy dress that stops at her mid thigh as well, her dress also has some flowy tulle that comes down to her feet. She's wearing some burgundy converse and her  hair is curled. Presley walks down her front porch stairs to meet kaitlyn. "So, where's chloe?"Kaitlyn asks looking around. Just then, chloe rounds the hill. Chloe is wearing a beautiful slivery white strapless dress with some slivery white flats. Chloe's makeup is done and her hair is down. "Oh my godddd!! You two look so amazing!!" Kaitlyn says to presley and chloe. "Okay girls!" Presleys mom says. "time for pictures and then we can leave. They spend like 10 minutes taking pictures and then they cram into kaitlyns car ot go to the dance. 

Once they finally arrive at the venue they see everyone from class and in their friend group and they get all excited. Kaitlyn runs ahead of the group to go look for her friends but her mom stops her. "Kaitlyn! wait for us! We need to get more pictures!" Kaitlyn stops for a split second then she sees mackenna and run ahead again. Her mom just gives up on trying to stop her and just follows her down to her friends. After another 20 minuets of more pictures all over the place it's finally time for everyone to go into the main area for the dance. The entire night was overhwelming. Presley didn't dance at all because she felt like all of her friends were ignoring her. and when she did finally get up to dance, she slipped and fell because of her dress. She got super embarrassed and ran to the bathroom. A lot of her friends came and checked up on her, to make sure she was okay. But she just wanted to be left alone. The night finally ends and presley is so glad to be going home. But she has this feeling. This feeling like, she could've played her crads differently. And maybe, something wonderful would've happened. Maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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