Nameless sequel to Cerberus

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Hey! I know it's been forever, but I'm back bitches! That's right, this is sequel to Cerberus! Yaaaaay! Ok, first off the name 'Nameless' has nothing to do with the story, I just can't think of a name right now. Ok without further ado, NAMELESS SEQUEL TO CERBERUS!!!!!!!


Previously on Cerberus

Tomoko's POV

I wake up with a gasp and look around. There's the shadow thing that just strangled me, grinning, Cerberus, looking like he was about to cry, Igneel, looking at me with mournful eyes, and Shaun.

Oh Shaun. He had love, lust, sorrow, hate, regret, and peace in his eyes, all at the same time.

"Tomoko..." He spoke in a soft voice. "I'm sorry..."

"W-What? Why are you sorry? What happened?"

"... We gave up our freedom for you to live. We're going home."

"W-what?! No! I-I! I can't! I need you!"

"I'm sorry... It's that or you die... I can't live knowing I could have saved you, but didn't. Forgive me."


"Here... Have a one of my scales..." Igneel handed me a necklace with a red and gold scale on it. Shaun put it on for me and smiled.

"This way you'll remember us."

I nodded and hugged them tightly. "I love you..." Shaun pecked my lips and Igneel kissed my forehead.

They went with madness trough a black portal. After that, the world seemed to reset itself. Everything went back to the way it was before I met Cerberus.

No one knew of the dragons and wolves; they never existed. I often watched Cerberus from afar, hoping he'd notice me. But, since fate had changed, he never did.

Please, moon goddess, if you can hear me, please, give me back Cerberus and Igneel. Please.

Little did I know, my prayers would be answered. One year passed and I went by unnoticed. I felt dead inside and went blank. No cared... It was as though I didn't exist, like I was looking through a clouded bottle.

I fell into a deep sleep like state. I waited for death... Until then, my love.

This was just a review chapter. So this is the beginning of this story... Again! Hahah! Ok so it's been a long time and since Cerberus was the first book I wrote on here, this means a lot to me so.... Yeah. Anyway please and thank you for continuing to read and waiting so long for this story. It really means a lot to me.

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