Meeting you!

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(demis P.O.V)

I carefully made my way through the paparazzi and into miss clara's orphanage for girls and walked up to the desk.

Finally i thought, id been waiting seven months to finally be able to take one of these little girls home all the paper work was done now all i had to do was pick one of the precious little girls to be mine.

Right this way miss lovato. Clara, the head of the orphanage said. I quickly followed her in my anxious state. She led me into a room with two small brown couches, three wooden and green padded chairs and a big box tv sitting on an old tv stand in the corner. Please have a seat miss lovato, clara said and so i did what i was told. Clara walked over to the bottom of the wooden stairs which were visible from where i was sitting, and called up saying "can all girls come down please miss lovato, the woman i told you about is ready."

She came back with a smile on her face as i heard loud thumps down the stairs and i saw a bunch of girls with eager faces enter the room and find their place in a long line facing me.

"sorry" said clara, "they were just having quiet time in their rooms before lunch time."

"Oh, no need to apologize" i said quickly, i was grinning like an idiot at all the girls. I wanted a younger girl maybe age 4 or 5 so i looked closley at the girls that looked that age.

I heard clara ask the girls where a girl named layla was. Hmm thats a pretty name i thought

I watched an older girl wich i think was called emily say that she would go bring her down

Clara thanked her but my eyes widened as i heard a girl named taylor say "no, dont get her, demi would never want a weirdo like layla, she probably wants ME already" " thats enough taylor" scolded clara. I turned my attention to the small slow footsteps making their way down the stairs and the encouraging words of emily torwards who im guessing was layla. As soon as i layed my eyes on layla i knew she was the one. But my smile faded as she got closer i saw that laylas eyes were pink and puffy, she had tear stains trailing down her cheekes and her bottom lip was quivering ever so slightly.

I slowly peeled my body off of the couch and took tiny steps towards her in hopes that i wouldnt frighten her and kneeled down in front of her.

"hi sweetie, my name is demi, whats wrong beautiful?"

(laylas P.O.V)

As i walked down the stairs i listened to the voice of emilly but it was all just sound, i wasnt paying attention to emily, for heaven sakes i didnt pay attention to anyone except miss clara. And even then i havent Spoken a word in a whole year. I layed my eyes on the woman named demi sitting on the couch, she looked like an angel she was beautiful. But then i quickly snapped out of it and listened to the voices in my head,

" You'll never be good enough for her your too ugly, taylor even says so and shes 8"

I frowned at the voices and walked to my spot in line i looked at the floor and suddenly my ten little toes became extreamly interesting. I looked up when i heard footsteps come closer to my existance. It was the woman named demi she had a worried looking half smile on her face and her brow was furrowed. She knelt in front of me and spoke, " hi sweetie, my name is demi, whats wrong beautiful?"

Why was she talking to me? I thought in confusion

I couldnt let my gaurd down now, so i just shook my head and looked down at my toes again as i internaly sighed a great big sigh of emotion

Whatever she would never pick me anyway.

Dont get your hopes up little one. I heard the voices say, i never knew where the voices came from and i never knew why they were there but they were nice to me so i listened.

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