The Introduction

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Have you heard of a world where magic are real, am sure you have, but in your world it's imaginary, in my world it's real, I even possess one, in this world am a princess.

Am alone in my room, reading of course until I heard a knock on my door and a dark haired lady wearing a black and white striped uniform "ma it's time for you to leave the couch is awaiting your presence with the other royal family " she said," kk I will be down in a minute " I said.

Diana I heard my name being screamed in the hallway with a familiar voice and low and behold was my elder brother Alex calling me" Diana are we going to wait forever before you come down stairs " just to annoy him a bit I said" I am a lady and moreover a princess so that urge me to take my time "he said you ladies I don't understand you guys sometimes, let go dad has been waiting and you know he gets cranky when he waits too long.
As we approach a limo out in front of the castle front door.

Forgive my manners after all it's right for me to introduce myself my name is princess Diana Goldstar the only daughter of King and Queen gold, am sure you have met my elder brother Alexander Goldstar, we are the only children of my parents and we like it that way. My friends on earth call me chels after all i am a modern princess.

Am eighteen years of age possessing the world dangerous power, take my hand and journey with me into the two worlds as we uncover mystery in the two worlds I live in . Buckle up cause it gonna be a bumpy ride, you will never forget

Second crappy story so please don't judge, if you like it then vote and comment and share tips on how I can make it better. Tnx  DNA

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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