July 8, 2014

34 2 4

Well so I kinda started this late but I have a lot to get off my chest so here goes

My mom recently got married to her first love and it turns out he has kidney problems (he was born with it) but my mom didn't care she loved him so I was happy for her but ever Since they got married he was went to the hospital every month.... APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY (They got married March 29)

And he usually ends up in the hospital because he's not taking care of himself and he's come close to dying like 3 different times and seeing my mom about to cry is heart breaking and that makes me want to kill the nigga for not taking care of his self knowing that he has a wife and children... Sooo that's fucking with me right now

Another fucking reason that makes me want to bust in tears is that..... I can tell my mom hates me and can't stand me..... I see that I bring her disappointment cause I don't get straight A's like she did when she was my age... I know she hates me... I feel it when she looks at me but I can't bring myself to hate her

Another reason is that since my grandma is a fucking pastor I'm expected to be fucking perfect.... And I really can't go anywhere because my grandmother and my mom got pregnant at a young age and they don't want me to be the third generation so I can't go anywhere (Isaiah there's my excuse)

Another reason is that love fucking sucks ass.... So this dude that I knew when I was in 7th grade started to talk to me again and it irritates me because ik that I'm not the only girl he flirts with and to be honest I can't stand phone thots ( it's a person who flirts with multiple people and shit through phone) and ik for fact that he does cause he fine ass hell

I know I know I can't really expect him to only flirt with me especially since we're not going out but don't have me spend my time talking to you when you don't want to talk to just me

Those are just some of my problems

I'll update tomorrow

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