If Only

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Why can't I find the perfect one to love?
Why is it so...complicated?

The thought always rushed through her mind. She had a boyfriend every now and then who left her since she refused to have sex with them a second time. They were using her just to pleasure themselves. She was and still is their puppet. But little did they know that all that usage would come to an end, today.
She became the whore of the school and her friends started to decrease.
First she left. Then he left. Then her. Then whispers were heard as she walked down the hall.
Why did they leave? What did I do? She would always think.

Everyone started to abandon her as her heart shattered. Breaking into pieces day by day. Losing her love to and from people.
What did I do? She pondered.
Even her parents left her with some cash and told the girl to live her own life.
However only one person known as Brad Lockwood, stayed by her side. Comforting her when she needed him and making her smile. She could tell that he was becoming a little depressed, feeling her pain along with her. Just as she started developing feelings for him, he started to leave her side.
Am I that much of a bitch?
She finally reached the rooftop of her school and made sure her goodbye note was in the pocket.
She looked at the world around her, admiring the beauty of it. Tears at the edges of her eyes, already falling out. The world is so beautiful and yet so cruel. She thought.
She was leaving all of this hardship behind with only one jump. And before she jumped off the rooftop, a thought came to her mind, If only she had found her true love. Then maybe she wouldn't have killed herself.  If only....
A boy by the name of Brad heard a crack and a thud and quickly rushed outside to see what it is, only to find the girl he ever loved on the ground surrounded by a pool of blood.
"WHY!!" He shouted. He loved her but didn't know how to tell her. He wanted to make it special for her. And he couldn't tell now since she was already dead. He was too late to confess to the only person he ever loved.
"I love you" he whispered to her dead frame, having no effect on the body. He released quiet sobs and looked at her water stained cheeks and then her hands.
Her hands were in her pocket and he could see a small note, which said:

       N I love you, Brad. Thank you for all you have done for me... I am sorry.

If only he had confessed. If only....

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