Madman Wonderland

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I opened my eyes, looking at what I had made. This beautiful place, my very own wonderland. All these years I've searched for that place, the land of wonder, the land of play. I knew it wasn't all just a stupid fairytale.

Look at my wonderful children. Listen to their screams, they are all so happy. Everyone wants their own wonderland, now I have mine.

We have painted the pure white roses velvet red, the queen has lost her head. Everyone is free to run wild and have fun.

I love it here, I no longer feel alone. I always loved Alice in wonderland, such a great story. Sadly it didn't end how it was supposed to. She should have stayed, who would want to leave paradise.

My wonderland is different, my wonderland isn't just sunshine and caterpillars. It's not as bright and annoying, not as green. I love it here. Why would I ever leave.

I twirl around atop the highest tower. Seeing all of my precious creation, I can't help but giggle. Oh how long I have waited to see it all come to life. It's all exactly how I dreamed! I couldn't have asked for more!

I was always so alone, all alone, but look! I have everything! I'm surrounded by people! They can never leave, they can never escape my new and improved wonderland.

Oh how hard I have worked, oh how much I have lost. They all thought me crazy, lost my mind, but now look at me! I am exactly where I wanted to be. They say I should be locked up though, they say I need help. Is it really that wrong for me to have no guilt?

I love them, I love my little humans. I love how I have dyed it all red. All these trees are not green, they are crooked and dying. All their stupid little ideas create more violence. I love how they can ruin everything on their own.

There is something I love more than my humans though. My other babies, my own creations. My favourite addition to this wonderland of mine. Bwytäwr, that's what I have called them.

They are my most prized creations that roam my perfect wonderland. They keep peace and control the population. My sweet Bwytäwr keep this place running.

The shimmering crystals on their heads help me to keep track of their health and their work.    The little ones are a lot more wild than the rest but they also take more damage.

Calamity, destruction, disaster, that is what my wonderland thrives on. People wonder if I'm sane, wonder if I would be better off detained. What is wrong with all of this?

The real world is full of pain and injustice, the good die while the evil continue to rise. Here everyone is equal. Everyone has a way to defend themselves, we're all a little mad here but who cares. Crazy ain't so bad.

I actually like what people have started calling this place. They say this is a Madman Wonderland. There's even a travelling circus I've created. Forget it all, murder, dismay, none of it matters anymore. The show is open 24/7, for as soon as one ends another begins. You'll never want to leave. It's all fun and games, everyone stays.

Come join me in my madman's wonderland, oh and enjoy the show while you can my sweet little humans~

Um... so yeah this is a thing. I got bored, was given a sentence starter and uh... yeah here ya go. I stopped part way through and was playing a game. When I started writing again I forgot what the hell I was doing. That is why I quit and let it be this tiny. Feel free to comment or vote if ya want. It is the middle of the night, bye.

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