Chapter One

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   Everyone thinks they know you. But really they only know of you. Every person in my school will say they know me. But if they really knew me they would know why I don't reply to them. Don't party with them downtown. I don't want to get attached to anyone, because who knows who they really are.
         My hand clutches the 49 as I make my way through the sweaty grinding bodies. Rihanna playing in the background, bitch better have my money. Which is iconic really because that's why I'm here. See if people paid for what they got I wouldn't have to be here. I could be living a normal life that regular seventeen year olds live. Maybe do some homework, or plan out my valedictorian speech for graduation. But I've got a job to do.
         "I've got Victor Cortez in sight." I whisper into my ear piece, a laugh came from the other side. A sight sigh came from boss herself.
         "You know what to do." her cold voice bluntly said. I made sure to hide the 49 inside the pocket of my fur coat. I smooth out my red dress that clung onto my body, showing off all my curves that I matured from a real young age.
       Slowly I made my way to Victor making sure to sway my hips with every step. His hazel brown eyes clouded with lust as he looked at me as well as many other men in the room. I paid no attention to him and headed straight to the bar. As I make my way a hand grabbed mines and spun me around.
         "You're not from here are you?" His husky voice whispered in my ear as his lips hovered my neck. His hands trailing up and down my back as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
         "No, maybe you could show me around." I whispered back into his ears and pouted my red painted lips. He licked his pink lips as he looked around the dim lighted room. Quickly he dragged me out to the back door in a quite rough matter as his eyes looked me up and down.
          Victor lead us through the back which took us straight into the streets of New York. No one was in sight, no cars passed, street lights flickering off and on. I let go of his hand earning an confused turn around from him.
        "Were going to my place? Right babe?" A smirk placed into his face, "or can you not wait?" I scoffed at his cockiness, thinking someone like me would be attracted to him.
        "Your funny if you think I'm here for that reason, Victor. See if you paid the boss back I wouldn't have to do this." I tell him as I slowly pulled out the 49. The once hazel eyes that held lust now were covered in fear.
        "Now now I said I'll pay her once I get the money!" Victor yelled holding his hands up, I licked my lips as I laughed.
         "See you haven't gotten any of that money in Two years hun, if your gonna get pounds of cocaine and not paid it off," I pointed the 49 at him while a smirk held on my face. "Your wrong." I said above a whisper. My finger pulled the trigger and everything went into slow motion, the eyes that once held a light slowly turned darker and lifeless. My stomach turned once his body hit the ground. Another life I have taken, another mission carried.
        My heels clicked as I walked away, hearing the cries and wheezing coming from the body that laid in the pool of blood. Paul's Black Range Rover drove up fast as I swiftly got into the back seat.
        "Selma well done." Boss says from the passenger seat. I scoffed as I looked out into the city lights. Paul's eyes looked at me through the review mirror.
        "You alright kid?" His voice asked sincere, I only nodded in reply. He doesn't need to know how much I'll rather spend nights in my room not thinking about the person I've killed.  Boss throws two stacks of wrapped money towards me which I catch with both my hands. I only stare at the dirty money, why did I get into this. It's only for collage, I mean I don't have to go.
         "Here's another one, put a smile on your face kid. Your making more than surgeon, that's something to be proud of." Her feminine British voice told me looking right at me from the review mirror. I smiled, showing how grateful I was.
         I pressed my red lips together once Paul pulled up into my drive way. The sounds of breaking glass and shouts roared throughout my small house. Ever since dad came home late on their anniversary this was the new routine. Mom always crying and dad always drinking.
         "If you need anything, you know how to get to us." Pauls voice lowly said as his blue eyes once again looked into my green ones. I nod as I opened the car door.
    Always say thank you Selma.
       Be appreciative of what you have.
Dad always reminded me at every store we left.
     "Thank you." I simply let out before I closed the car door. Paul quickly drove out of the drive way leaving a few tire marks in the making. The last time I've seen someone drive like that was in Fast and Furious. Which is kinda weird since Paul is driving and Paul Walker. You know same name, never mind.
Dad's grunts got louder every step I took. Mom's yells getting louder and louder with each word. There arguments have been more frequent and aggressive. Do I know why, no because everyone thinks im not able to understand adult issues. And they don't know my issues.                               
There both head to head, Sylvia with her finger pointed to the door, Chris with his hands in his hands. Then he just loses it, one good struck at her cheek and everything goes silent. Its was almost as that was suppose to happen. His hand was like a judge making his ruling. Shutting up everyone in the room.  He would never do this, he wouldn't even have it in thought.       
  "Whats going on in here?" my voice cracked, I tried to blink away the tears that threaten to fall. Mom turned to me, her hand placed on her now redden cheek. They didn't say a word but there eyes said it all. Regret. Pain.
"Just a little argument sweetie." Dads voice weakly said as he turned to walk away, mumbling a few words as he marched his way upstairs. Mom cleared her voice.
"Why are you home so late?" She held a stern tone, as she began to wipe down the table. It's almost like nothing ever happened, they never had the argument. It was a normal Thursday night.
"Yeah sorry I was studying over at Chels'" I explained as I played with the ends of my hair. Moms eyebrow rose as a smirk rose onto her face.
     "Out studying at 11:30pm?" She laughted at the end, "You don't got to lie to me, your almost eighteen." Her voice got all giddily and ready for me to spill. I couldn't tell her how I was at a club, with a gun ready to end a mans live. All this to earn some cash for collage and to keep dads soul in his body.
      "Yeah Mom, I was just at a club ready to kill someone." I rolled my eyes as I made my way upstairs. A small laugh came out of both our mouths as I made my way upstairs.
         She doesn't have to know, everything I do seem unrealistic. Underage at a club, well that's one thing off of my bucket list. Killing someone? Well wasn't on my bucket list, but it still gets checked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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