The Beginning of the Tug

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        "Hehe, I have an great plan, I am going to shank this meaty, purple thumb with an small kitchen knife," I exclaimed slowly, like a wounded armadillo trying to make his way through a puddle of hot butter. As I strutted towards Thumnos, kitchen knife visualizing behind my arm, I offered my services to him, as a way to trick him. Although, being in close proximity to that pale, thick phalange gave me immense pleasure. It made me rethink what services I was to season him with. The moment I lashed out to penetrate him with my long, pointy object, he instantly grasped it, plugging my assault. He launched his gauntlet straight up there; I could feel the Power Stone doing its work. "NNNOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOoooOOO!" shrieked Tor as he saw my body quivering like a redwood oak getting a prostate exam with a rusty egg beater. At that moment, Himdrool blasted his rainbow beam at Bulk, sending him towards Eart. It was at this moment, I thought I was going to die, but then I heard an inarticulate, guttural squeal from the other side of the ship. It was Tor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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