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Present Day - June 30th 2012

Now is my chance to escape. Beyond that forest is a new beginning away from this life of misery. Once I get through those gates there is no turning back. I'll be a free woman and he won't be able to stop me, he won't be able to tie me up again and totally neglect the fact that I am a living person not just some rag doll he can abuse as he pleases.
I'll disappear into the night, never to be seen again.

After gathering my thoughts I began to run as fast as I could through the dense woodland, ducking under branches, and weaving through thorny brambles. Once I had those giant black gates in my sights I knew there was no turning back. Without hesitation I typed in the key code that had been imbedded in my mind since the day that that asshole kidnapped me and brought me here.

As soon as the gates opened out wide enough for me to slip my slender body through, I ran without as much as a glance back in the direction of that hell-hole of a place that would always hold a place in my memory as much as I hoped it wouldn't, but deep down inside I knew it would forever taunt me.

Once I got out, I ran as far away from Applepenny Farm as I could. I had no idea where I was or where I was headed, but there was one thing I was definitely sure of: I wasn't under any circumstances going to stop.

Chapter 1 was just a brief introduction to the storyline and it doesn't seem like much but it is just an overview of the situation. The coming chapters will explain a lot of the plot and reveal a few of Mya's secrets.

Please comment any predictions you have for the coming chapters because I will be sure to read them all and maybe switch up the storyline to fit some of your guys' ideas into the story

That's all for now!
Much love,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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